Nico di Angelo and the adorable little puppy.

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Harry, Ron, Neville and Hermione sprinted down the Charms corridor, often stumbling over the long cloaks that dragged behind them. Suddenly they stopped at a old rusty door, presumably to a broom closet of some sort. Harry attempted to open it but the door wouldn't budge. 

"Honestly," Hermione exclaimed rather rudely, "Alohamora" They heard a click before Harry ran into the room pulling the others behind him. Ron slammed the door shut before they all finally relaxed and stopped to catch their breath. 

"Which way did they go Peeves?" Filch snarled

"Shan't say nothing if you don't say please," Peeves grinned evilly.


"NOTHING!  HAHAHAHAHAH!" The cackling of the soul was heard all the way down the corridor before Filch snooped way mumbling something about stupid students being out of bed.

They let out a collective sigh of relief and let the built up tenseness wash away. Harshly, Harry shrugged his shoulder away from Neville who had been tugging it relentlessly since they walked in the room. He finally turned round to a terrifying sight. Hermione, who had turned round as well, let out a small squeal before covering her mouth.

Out in front of him was a massive dog with three slobering heads and fangs as big as his arm, all sharp enough to cut straight through him. He thought it was the end, how he was going to die. Harry readied himself and closed his eyes as he heard a thump beside him. That was Neville gone, he was next.

''Hey, hello, excuse me but I think your friend just fainted." The voice that spoke had an American accent with a hint of Italian. He slowly opened his eyes to reveal a boy, no older than 15 with black hair and eyes such a dark shade of brown they almost appeared to have no iris at all. He obviously wasn't a Hogwarts student as he wasn't wearing the trademark robes.

"Uh, hello," he spoke again," why are you poking those sticks at a me?" He didn't know what a wand was so he couldn't be a wizard. On the other hand, he was in Hogwarts petting an obviously magical dog.

"Why are you petting that monster?" Hermione said in a way that seemed rude but wasn't meant to be. She noticed her mistake and taken a step back seeing that the shadows in the room started to thicken and enclose around the boy.

"Fluffy is not a monster. He is an adorable little ball of death fluff and I'm allowed to pet him since he technically belongs to me. So there." He stated the first part very lovingly but the second held a important tone that told them not to mess with him. The boy smirked.

"Oh how I love messing with the littles," He stated longingly before hugging the dog, apparently called fluffy, one last time. He then snapped his fingers and melted into the shadows.

They agreed never to speak of this experience again.


A week later the trio were sitting in Hagrid's cabin drinking strong tea, Harry having just recovered from his first quidditch match. Ron and Hermione had just explained that Snape had cursed Harry's broom but Hagrid was having none of it. The three friends had a silent conversation, should they tell Hagrid about what happened on Halloween night and therefore what happened with the boy and the giant dog.

They had conversed about that matter a lot. Why was the boy in Hogwarts? How did he get there? How did he disappear without apparating? And why didn't he know what a wand was? It really was a confusing matter.

Harry spoke first, "On halloween Snape let the troll in as a distraction to get past Fluffy." 

"No...wait, how do you know about Fluffy?"

This time Hermione explained, "We were running away from Filch and Peeves and found ourselves in the third floor corridor on the  right hand side. There we saw a boy of around 14 with black hair and dark brown eyes. He was rather muscular but a little skinny. When we turned around he was petting a giant three headed dog who he called Fluffy. After we finished talking he clicked his fingers and disappeared into the shadows. He never gave us his name and didn't even know what a wand was."

Hagrid sighed, " I bought Fluffy off this Greek fella down in the pub who said his son Nico was going to check up on him every now and again. That must be him."

The trio smiled and nodded, satisfied with the given answer. They then thanked Hagrid for the tea and headed up to the castle probably never to see Nico again.

At least that's what they thought.

A/N Hey, I know another story. I should probably update my other ones but ya know. Life. Hope you enjoyed it and I look forward to posting more chapters. Please comment and read my other stories (if you like those fandoms). See you next chapter


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