Nico di Angelo and the accidental shadow travel.

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"And the Hogwarts champion is...Cedric Diggory." Groans spread through the Gryffindor but it was masked by the immense cheers from the Hufflepuff table who were never noticed for much. At least they got their way and Cedric could very well be the student to win this for Hogwarts.

The door closed behind him and the hall went silent as the goblet started to spew more flames. It spurted out a piece of paper that Dumbledore caught with ease. Loudly, he read the writing, 

"Harry Potter!" Everyone turned to look at him and Harry felt as if five stones had been dropped into his stomach. Five very large, very heavy stones. 

"Harry Potter," He repeated and Harry stood up ready too walk the walk of shame. Then the great hall went dark, shadows were taking over. Gasps of fear could be heard echoing around the room and the Hogwarts students looked confused as this had never happened before. Harry, however, knew that had happened before just not in his place, at this time, at this scale. Suddenly, it all went back to normal. The shadows crept back into their rightful place and the lights turned back. 

The only thing different were the two boys kissing in the middle of the room. One pale with black hair, that Harry recognised as Nico. The other was like his polar opposite with blonde hair and tanned skin that Harry recognised from somewhere. Then it hit him, it was the final boy that appeared in Nico's boggart. Harry had thought they were just friends but now they were, obviously, a bit more. A few others in his DADA class seemed to be having the same realisation including Dean and Seamus who were chatting animatedly about something called Solangelo.

"Solace, did you just kiss me?" Nico asked in a surprised voice.

"Yes," He answered guiltily.

"Well, do it again."

"What! Oh sure? Wait Nico, do you know where we are?" Nico looked up and studied the room that surrounded him. He only just seemed to notice that the two boys were no longer alone. 

"Nico where did you take us?" The blonde boy asked again this time in a strong motherly voice that reminded Harry of Mrs Weasley despite him being at least twenty years younger and of the opposite gender.

He the turned to Dumbledore, who was still standing next to the Goblet, and asked politely,

"Please can you tell me where we are, see my friend and I seem to be lost."

"Ah, interesting.  You are in Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry," He answered.

"Oh, this place again. This is where my friends Dean and Seamus reside," Nico interrupted. They nodded at each other and stepped down from the podium on which they stood.

"I'm so sorry for interrupting your feast," he said respectfully, "Thank you for your hospitality but we'll be taking our leave now." Moody was about to reject but Nico had already taken hold of his boyfriends arm and a handful of what looked to be McNuggets, and disappeared into a pool of shadows.


Later that night, Dean and Seamus were sitting in the common room writing a letter to a friend they had seen earlier today...

Dear Nico,

How have things been. We saw you today at the great hall but we don't think you saw us as you were literally in and out. I see you have finally got together with that Solace boy. Seamus has yet to decide if he wants to come out to the school or not and therefore hasn't confessed to his crush on Harry but he'll do it eventually. 

This year is the Triwizard tournament is happening and Harry is competing although he is much to young. We hope he wins and doesn't die. We hope to see each other soon. Sincerely,

Dean and Seamus.

Carefully, they slipped the letter into an envelope and sealed it with Seamus's family stamp. Dean then attached it to the leg of his owl and sent it over the seas all the way to Long Island, New York.


A million miles away (or something like that) and a couple of weeks later, Nico was sitting at the Hades table in camp half-blood reading a letter with a huge grin his face as he leant against his boyfriend and told him of his adventures in Hogwarts.

A/N Two in one day, my gosh. I certainly didn't see that coming but as you know. Life. Please don't be a silent reader and comment, let me know of all my mistakes and things that I can improve. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Yours sincerely,


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