Nico di Angelo and coming out of the surprisingly scary closet.

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"Are you ready Neville," Professor Lupin asked. Neville readied his wand and nodded nervously.      "On the count of three: One. Two. Three." Red sparks flew out of his wand and the closet door flew open revealing, not Snape as expected but a girl with olive skin and black hair wearing a silver parker. She spoke harshly into the closet at a boy who Harry recognised as Nico. 

"It's your fault I died."

It then morphed into a boy that reminded Harry bit of himself with jet black and sea green eyes,

"I can't believe you liked me, it's disgusting." At this Harry saw Seamus and Dean take in sharp breaths and step a little closer to each other. Ron. just looked confused and Hermione looked furious.

After that it took the shape of a young girl with cinnamon brown hair and gold eyes,  

"I could never have a brother like you. I'm ashamed." This seemed to hit a soft spot in Nico as he curled a little tighter into a ball. This puzzled Harry, this girl and Nico looked extremely different; how could they be siblings? Maybe one of them was adopted. 

Finally, the boggart resumed the form of a young boy with blonde hair and a welcoming smile that soon turned into a snarl when he looked at Nico,

"I hate you, why would I ever want to be your friend?"

Lupin, having recovered from the shock of having an unknown boy hidden in his closet, ran towards the boggart which immediately turned into a moon. 

"Riddikulus," He shouted and it transformed into a balloon and made a squealing sound as it flew around the room. He let out a bark of laughter, banishing the boggart for good.

Surprisingly, it was Dean and Seamus who went up to help the cowering boy out of the wardrobe. They picked him up and draped his arms over their shoulders, they then walked over to an empty chair and set him down. After giving him a few hidden words encouragement the boys started to giggle. Who knew that the unnoticed Gryffindor's were so good at calming people down.

"Why are you laughing?" questioned Ron bluntly before Hermione nudged and told him off for being rude in a whisper. 

"Oh, I just came out of the closet," replied Nico prior too another fit of giggles.

Lupin then went over to lift the boy out of the seat but Nico shrank back away from his gentle arms. Confused, Lupin announced, "I am going to take this boy to the infirmary, class dismissed." There was a rush of bags and students and the class was left empty apart from the Harry, Dean, Seamus, Nico and Professor Lupin. 

"Why have you stayed behind?" The professor asked. Harry would have thought it obvious then he realised that no-one but Dumbledore, Hermione and Ron knew of his encounters with Nico.     "I have met him before and would like to discuss a few things with him." He replied, after deliberating on his answer for a few seconds, it wasn't to detailed and wasn't to vague. Perfect. "We wish to comfort him sir as meeting your boggart can be a traumatic experience as you know, especially when you are not prepared," Dean answered and Seamus nodded in conformation.

 "Very well, you two can come with me now. Harry, I think you should wait until later."

At that, Tea and Seamus lifted Nico up and the three of them made their way to the infirmary followed by Lupin. This left Harry alone. in the room till he came up with a genius idea. He ran out of the classroom and up to the Gryffindor tower, he then went into the dormitory and lifted a shiny, silver cloak out his trunk.

Under the invisibility cloak, he crept down the stairs avoiding students along the way. More then a few times he bumped into one and they blamed on their friend. Eventually, he was able to sneak into the infirmary. When he got there he heard voices, them boing Lupin, Nico, Seamus and Dean.

Lupin spoke first, 

"Okay, first things first. who are you and why were you in my lesson?"                   

"I'm a...a monster hunter. I sensed a monster and it is my job to fight them so I transported myself here only to be met with a creature of darkness that I have not seen before. You then opened the door of the closet and you know what happened next." He fought monsters. But he was only the age of the twins, how could he be fighting monsters. And wasn't Fluffy a monster, why didn't he fight him.

"Okay," Lupin said, now a little nervous for some reason. Then Seamus butted in with a questioning voice,

"Why did you shy away from Professor Lupin when he went to help you?" 

 "I sensed him to be a werewolf and I had a bad run in with one of them a few years ago." Harry looked a Professor Lupin who was now as pale as a sheet. You would be too if you greatest secret was just revealed to two of your students by a boy you just met.

"Well, we should let young...?"


"Young Nico here rest. I would appreciate it if none of you speak of what you have heard tonight." stated Lupin sternly who then walked out of the room.

"Of course sir." responded Dean and Seamus in sync before following the teacher out of the room. 

Nico winked at them and turned to look right at Harry who still had the cloak on.                                 "I know your there, and with Thanatos's cloak as well. How curious. Anyway, my name is Nico di Angelo if you are curious, what's yours?"

"Harry. Harry Potter."

"Nice to meet you Harry Potter. Until we meet again." He then clicked his fingers and disappeared into a pool of shadows. This left Harry alone, and he decided to find out everything possible about this Nico di Angelo.

A/N Hey, another chapter out so soon. wow. This is third year so I had to include bogarts. This story will include Solangelo and some Deamus. Hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading and goodnight or good morning or good middle of the day,


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