19 years later

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After sending his kids off to Hogwarts and kissing Ginny goodbye, Harry went to his part-time job, working in a muggle orphanage. Harry loved working there and him being there really brightened the kids days which is just what he wanted. Harry didn't want anyone to go through what he had at a young age so he had decided to help them best he could. Make sure nobody was lonely there.

He started his shift at one o'clock, looking after the kids and showing around any parents wanting to adopt. So far he had showed around two couples and it was only two thirty. His shift ended at five but he was already exhausted. Fit to drop, Harry collapsed into his chair and hoped that there wasn't going to be any more walk ins for another half an hour. His prayers were not answered.

The bell on the door rang, signalling the coming of another person.Harry slowly got up sandpit on a happy expression ready to greet them. What he wasn't expecting was an older, more mature Seamus and an even taller Dean who were both buried in their coats and holding hands. Harry had no idea that they were together or had any romantic feelings for each other but things change. Or he had just been really oblivious like always.

"Hey Harry, I know we haven't met in a while but I would like to take opportunity to catch up," explained Dean and Harry gave a sigh of relief, he was comforted at the thought that he wouldn't have to show them around. 

"Sure, take a seat." He said and the three of them caught up on their lives after the war. Dean had confessed his feelings to Seamus after the battle who had reciprocated them and they had been going out ever since. Now Dean worked as an artist with some of his paintings shown in various magical art galleries and even Hogwarts itself. Seamus had taken a career as a part of the muggle-worthy excuse committee in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes in the ministry of magic.

The trio sat, casually chatting but the bell rang again, showing the presence of another entree. The three got up and Seamus said, "We have been here far to long, see you soon Harry." with that they went out the door but not without a hello to the couple standing at the door. Harry went to greet the new pair but when he saw who it was he gasped in surprise.

"Nico? And Will? Fancy seeing you again." He said, becoming them inside. 

"Hey Harry, didn't know you worked here." Nico replied.

"There are a lot of things you didn't know Nico," Harry smirked. "Well come in and we'll have a chat."

"Sorry to keep you own your feet Harry, but we're here to adopt." Will smiled.

"But of course, come in and meet the kids." Harry said as he opened the door into the play room where the kids were having fun. Over all there were seven kids in the room: the twins called Cherish and Willow, the triplets called Tracy, Tom and Chloe, a little boy called Theo and a little girl called Ashly. Harry told the pair all the information needed and left them to their decision.

Nico and Will just looked at the kids in shock and deliberation before having a conversation about which one they wanted. Nico, fed up with the discussion, went over to talk to Ashly who took hardly any notice of the adult. Eventually, Nico was able to start a conversation with her and Harry smiled at them, sensing the start of a family. Nico looked up at Will with puppy dog eyes. Will nodded which caused Nico to smile adorably.

Harry realised that the wanted to adopt her and went to get the adoption papers. Will filled them out and Nico put the tiny three year old on his shoulders. After the legal forms were all filled out Harry watched the couple walking out the door holdings the hands of a small black haired, olive skinned girl that reminded Harry strongly of Nico. He went back to work with a smile on his face, knowing that he just brought a family together.

A/N Second update today and the final chapter in a nine part series. Thank you so much for reading, please comment on any mistakes that I have made and I hope that you enjoyed this book. I would like to thank 

@Oofthatsnotmyname and @_Homo_Gay_   for being the first to vote on loads of my chapters, I really appreciate me and it really makes my day to see that people enjoy my writing. I would also like to thank everyone for the 200 reads. It may not seem lie much but to me it's a really big step. Hope that you read some more of my books. Signing off,


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