Chapter Twenty Two

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I tried to head into school the next day with my head held high. I knew that pretty much everyone had skived off at least once in their life; what I did wasn't something to feel guilty about. However, despite my thoughts on the situation being that way, I couldn't help but feel slightly sick everytime I went past a teacher or member of faculty. Although I knew it was all in my head, it felt like everyone knew what I had done and was secretly judging me.

Quickly, as I scanned the faces in the hallway, I found the one I was looking for. 

"Klaus!" I called out, hoping he would hear me the first time so I wouldn't have to shout again. He swiftly stopped in his tracks and waited for me to catch up with him.

I handed him back his hoodie, which he took and put on straight away.

"Smells nice," he said quietly.

"Oh, I washed it. Thanks for letting me borrow it, by the way." I offered him a smile which he didn't return and tried to give him the bag I was holding. "Will you give these to your sister?"

Klaus shook his head. "She's over there. Give them back yourself."

"Oh, er..." I faltered, glancing over to where Violet stood, surrounded by other girls all laughing and joking. She had been nice to me, yes, but that had been in front of Klaus. Would she treat me differently if I approached her on my own?

I turned back around to give my case and try and convince Klaus to just do it for me, but he was already gone, leaving me with the bag of leggings and a nervous frown on my face. 

"I guess it's now or never," I whispered to myself. Then I took the plunge and walked over to her.

Luckily, by now most people were heading to class so the number around Violet had decreased, but still, I wasn't used to approaching a group of pretty much strangers, no matter the size. However, I knew it would be way worse if I never gave the leggings back and Violet had to come and see me herself, so I continued on.

Violet was talking to a girl, who's eyes trailed over to me as I walked towards them. She obviously warned Violet of what was going on and then walked off, leaving me alone with her. 

"Hi..." I said, hoping I was loud enough over the constant chatter and noise from the people around us. "Here's your leggings back. Thanks for letting me borrow them. Oh, and I washed them as well."

Violet laughed, "It's fine, keep them. I just got a new pair anyway."

"Oh. Okay, thanks," I replied slowly. I was slightly confused as to why she would let her clothes go so easily, to a stranger nonetheless. But I didn't really want to question it, as I didn't want her to think I was ungrateful. 

"Thanks for putting up with my brother, by the way," she said all of a sudden, making me pause. "He acts like he always wants to be alone, but I think he's secretly quite lonely. So thanks for being his friend."

I wasn't sure what to say. That certainly wasn't the sort of thing I expected her to come out with. Klaus and I were only really acquaintances. We only saw each other by chance or in unfortunate situations like detention. I hadn't really considered him a friend, mostly because he had a tendency to be kind of cold, but after hearing what Violet had to say, I felt guilty. If she was right and he did consider me his friend, I felt bad that I hadn't invited him to tag along with Lily and I. He always sat alone at lunch. Maybe I should've made a better effort to make him feel welcome with us. 

"That's okay," I finally got out. Violet smiled and bid me goodbye, leaving me with my thoughts.

I followed suit and headed to my first class, along with the other few students who were left in the hallway. My class was uneventful, mostly because it was one of the few I didn't share with Lily, and passed by quickly. Then, before I knew it, lunch had arrived and I scanned the halls for my best friend.

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