Chapter Thirty Two

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I strained my eyes in the darkness, blinking a couple of times to take in my surroundings. It took me a second to remember where I was and another second to realise that I wasn't alone. Both Violet and Klaus had also fallen asleep on the sofa either side of me. The TV must've had an auto shutoff feature because the screen was blank and the room was in complete silence, save for the gentle sound of breathing.

I had left my phone on the coffee table and I wanted to lean forward and get it. However, I was being weighed down by something that completely surprised me. 

When Violet had fallen asleep she had flopped to the side in a rather uncomfortable way. Her head barely looked like it was rested on the sofa at all, and if she was to fidget any more I wondered if she would jolt herself awake with the feeling of her chin hitting her chest. Her neck would probably kill by the time she woke up, given the strange angle she had fallen sleep in.

Klaus, on the other hand, had the opposite problem. He had flopped towards me instead, and used my shoulder as a pillow. He was surprisingly heavy, as most people are when they're asleep and become a dead weight, and my arm had gone numb from being squashed for goodness knows how many hours.

The lack of light in the room and noise in the rest of the house told me it probably wasn't time to get up yet; it was probably the early hours of the morning. I wanted to make sure though, because sometimes the light could be deceiving, especially if it was a cloudy or rainy day. I would rather us all not be late to school.

But my phone was just out of reach. I tried to shuffle away from Klaus but because he was leaning on me he just ended up slipping towards me more. I was stuck until he woke up.

I didn't particularly want to spend the whole night sleeping sat up on the sofa, especially when there was such a nice bed waiting for me upstairs, but since I didn't have anything else to do, I tried going back to sleep; both to rest and to pass the time. 

Half an hour had passed. Maybe. I couldn't really tell but I guessed it was about that much. I had given up on trying to sleep as soon as a band of light fell across my eyes. The curtains hadn't been closed properly and a gap in the material had let some of the early morning sunshine into the room. 

I looked down at Klaus, who was still fast asleep and now bathed in light. He had fallen asleep with his glasses on so they were skewed on his face. He looks stupid, I thought to myself but I couldn't help but smile slightly.  He so often walked around with a glare or an unimpressed expression, that it was strange but also nice to see him so tranquil. 

I hadn't noticed it before but he had a very nice face, objectively speaking. All the Baudelaires did. Good looks seemed to run in their family. It was hard to see that when Klaus was constantly stalking around and frowning but now, with daybreak dancing across his features, it was very much apparent to me. 

He began to stir and I tore my eyes away, not wanting to get caught staring. Then, I realised it would probably be embarrassing for him if he knew that I knew this happened, so I quickly shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep. 

I felt the weight shift next to me and then the pressure was gone from my shoulder. I wanted to sigh in relief but I didn't want to give it away that I was awake, so I forced myself not to. The sofa next to me moved and then footsteps echoed away. I waited a few beats before slowly opening my eyes again.

I finally picked up my phone now that my other arm was free, and checked the time. It was a little past five in the morning, but I wasn't all that focused on that. Instead I was distracted by the notifications clogging up my screen. Duncan and Quigley had seemingly texted me all night, and there was about a dozen missed calls from Lily and a message that read: sorry I was watching sharks. hope ur alright :(

I quickly typed back a response and then focused on trying to wake Violet up. We still had a few hours before we were due to wake up so I wanted her to sleep in a proper bed and save her aching neck. 

It took a few shakes but then she was up and laughing tiredly to herself about the situation. I helped her tidy up a little bit and then we both headed up to bed. 


"Thank you for letting me stay," I said to Mr and Mrs Baudelaire before leaving for school.

"No problem," said Mr Baudelaire, "You know you're welcome here anytime."

"Yes," Mrs Baudelaire agreed, "If you ever need anything, just knock, okay?"

I thanked them again and then joined Violet on the sidewalk. Klaus was meant to be coming with us, given we all went to the same school, but Violet didn't bother waiting for him, claiming he had a thing about being late. I didn't really understand it but I didn't question it either. Instead, we spoke about different things like the movie we watched and other general small talk. 

When we reached the school gate I was leapt onto by Lily. Literally. She jumped at me and wrapped her arms and legs around me like a koala. I managed to hold her up for about a second before she dropped her legs down to hug me like a normal person. Violet waved to me over Lily's shoulder and joined her own friends, leaving me and Lily alone.

"I'm so so so so so SO SORRY Isadora!" She wailed into my shoulder. "I should've been there for you but instead I was watching stupid shark facts! I'll never look at sharks ever again!"

I patted her back softly. "Lily, it's fine. Everything was okay in the end."

She pulled away from me with a sad look in her eye but I smiled back at her. It wasn't her fault and I didn't want her to blame herself or think I was annoyed with her just because she didn't check her phone. She wasn't obligated to be on call for me, ready to be my saviour when things went south.

"Come on," I said, "We don't want to be late." And so we headed into school and I began to fill her in on the events of the previous night.

A/N: Crikey, it's been over a week since the last update! I'm so sorry! I really don't know what happened. You know when you're writing but everything you're writing sucks? Well that's what it seemed to be like everyday for me recently. So yeah, sorry about the long wait.

I don't really have much to say except, thank you for all the support! When I first published this I wasn't sure if anyone would like it because Klaus is kinda OOC, but I'm happy to see that you guys seem to be enjoying it! 

So yeah, thank you for all your reads, votes and comments! I hope this chapter was enjoyable (and not too boring), and see you in the next one! (which hopefully will be posted far more quickly!) :)

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