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"These woods are terrifying!"
"We need certain things to survive."
"So, I'm packing mosquito repellent,"
"Snacks for the long trip,"
"It will be long!"
"A few other things as well as a machete."
"And a machete!"
"Okay Mabel, can you stop it now?" Dipper asked turning to his sister who sat idly by his side. "I'm the hype woman." I laughed and examined the things laid out before us. Mabel tossed me a pocket knife. "Dipper carries the machete." She said and shared a solemn nod. "Dipper goes first, and I'll be behind you."

I looked between them. "Are the woods that scary?" Dipper shrugged. "Just poisonous plants that can't really kill you, and animals that'll stay pretty far away from you." He said slowly. "Yeah." Mabel chimed in. "But we wanna be careful and make sure that no bears or bobcats come near us. It's happened before." I nodded listening. "What's Dipper got in that backpack?" I asked. "More snacks." He said quickly. I shrugged it off and changed to go into the woods. I threw my hair up to keep it out of my face and sticking to me.

Within minutes we were driving through the woods in the golf cart. Why did Mabel and Dipper seem so tense? I shook it off and looked around the forest. Every now and then a critter or two would run away. I held my pen, absentmindedly drawing on my arm. The large trail began to get smaller, until there was nothing but trees ahead. "Alright, let's go." Dipper said with a soft sigh. I hopped out and hooked the pocket knife to my shorts. Mabel smiled back at me and grabbed my hand. "C'mon, it's really cool." She said skipping. Birds chirped above us, the forest was alive. We wandered around, finding mushrooms and squirrels running around. "Mabel," Dipper called putting from afar. "Code— fuck— BEARD DAMMIT!" Mabel looked at me with wide eyes. "Uh... stay here." She said rushing in the direction of Dipper's yells. I went to go help, but something pulled me back,

The forest didn't want me to go.

I turned and found myself clicking my pen. I put it in my pocket and began to wander. I was led into a deeper part of the forest. It felt so much colder. I continued to walk until I came upon a fallen tree. Half of it was on the ground, the other half was stuck in some trees. A man was sitting in the middle of the fallen tree, staring down at me. Anxiety kicked up and I dropped my pen in fear. "Hello there." He called out crawling down the tree. My body was screaming for me to run, but fear mounted me to the ground. He approached closer, his black slacks contrasting with the yellow sweater. His blonde and black hair swayed in the breeze as he took a few steps.

"And who," he hissed. "Might you be?" He grabbed my face forcefully. I panicked and stared at him with wide eyes. "Another Pines, fuck." He hissed smirking at me. Why can't I breathe? Tears welled up in my eyes, my heart was racing. "Oh," he said watching me hyperventilate. "How interesting." I felt like I was choking. I was shaking too. He held me up as my knees buckled, I was crying. "You're that afraid." He smirked. "But we've never met." He led me to the ground and let me go. I collapsed in a shaking, crying and hyperventilating mess. "The name is Bill, Bill Cipher. I noticed you and your family were out. I have a deal to propose."

I can't breathe. Can't breathe. Help.

"Hey, don't worry kid. Just listen a bit more." He kneeled down to my level. "Take my hand and you and I will be best friends for the summer. I like you already." I had no choice. His hand was in front of my shaking one, I grabbed it. We shook, and the forest seemed to change. "Nice doing business with you." Bill said pulling his hand away with a smirk. I closed my eyes hearing the calls of my cousins.

"What the fuck are you?" I stood in a field, the night sky above me. It was too bright, this wasn't real. "Me?" A voice echoed. "I am your wildest dreams and your most horrifying nightmares. I am anything you want me to be." I stared as a gold triangle appeared. I stepped back, glaring at it. "What are you?" It asked me. "(Y/n)." I said. "(Y/n) Pines."

"I know who you are, but what are you?" The thing asked smugly. "I don't know."

I awoke in a cold sweat, bolting upright. A heart monitor beeped beside me, but it sounded odd. I turned to see a computer screen with all my information. It was the only source of light. I looked towards the soft green glow and examined it. My heart-rate had accelerated but now it's better. Fluids were administered, and above me I heard walking. "Look, kids, you can't tell her. I know what you're trying to say but—"
"She's in danger, Grunkle Ford!"
"She almost died today, because you know who's back? Bill."

I heard Ford cuss and stomp away. "Then you need to be with her at all times." Ford said strained. "What if we can't be?" I heard Dipper snap. "What if Bill gets her? What if she becomes like Fiddleford?"
"Don't you dare bring him up!" Their voices rose, I looked at the IV. Then I laid back.

The gentle voice of Mabel spoke up. "We have to do something. Have you seen her arm? Something is happening." My arm? What did that have to do with anything. "It's just nerves." Ford growled out. "She's going to be fine. We need to protect her, so stay by her!"
"They won't be able to stay by her forever." I heard Stan speak up for the first time. "They're teens. They have lives Ford. We should at least give her something to protect herself. Not even telling her, just something to keep away the worst of it."

What? Tell me what? I wondered angrily. What was being kept secret?

Ford seemed to think over the idea. "Maybe a charm?" Mabel suggested. It was quiet. I heard a click come from the computer. "She's awake." Ford whispered. The computer beside me gave a beep, I then noticed a tube that was attached to my IV. The drip stopped and another fluid entered my veins. It was cold. "But yes, a protection... be the best..." Ford's voice floated away and I laid back, exhausted. I turned my head and stared into the computer screen. I closed my eyes, ready for sleep.

A single eye stared at me from my eyelids.

The Endless Night (Bill Cipher X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now