Chapter 5 Dancing

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Ami allowed herself to be lead to the dance floor once again and an odd feeling overcame her. She barely knew this man and here she was allowing him to take control. His sudden stop was punctuated by her walking directly into his embrace, where he slid both his hands down the length of her back and stopped just at the beginning of her waist.

“You okay?” He breathed.

God, no she thought to herself. Yet she nodded stiffly before he spun her out and brought her back to him with a single flex of his broad arm. The club seemed to be baking, it had to have a temperature over ninety degrees at that moment and dancing with the hottest man in the club was not making anything any better. She needed a glass of water and a seat right in front of an air conditioning unit.

Taking on a softer, lower tone that seemed to rumble from within Ty lowered his head to Ami’s, “You don’t seem okay… you seem stiff.”

“I’m fine… just ready for this evening to be over.” She lied, she wanted to dance with him, wanted to be near him if only for one more song.

“Really? How come?” Ty questioned.

Looking up at him was like peering into the eyes of a con man ready to take all she had. There was just something about him that made him seem too much. She didn’t know what was wrong with him only that an eerie sense overcame her every time she looked directly into his eyes. She felt an overwhelming need to melt into his embrace and that usually lead to bad things. A memory wanted to surface but she would not allow it to rise.

Sensing her momentary unease Ty’s initial heated stare turned to concern. “Bad day at school?”

“How do you know I go to school?”

“Common knowledge.”

“Really, from who?”

“I did a little research.”

“Oh did you now? And what else did you find out?”

“Just some things about you.”

“Like?” Ami demanded.

“Things… nothing secretive or anything … just common knowledge… a few facts nothing you need to concern yourself with, really.”

“The fact that you know anything about me other than my name is a concern to me. Like how you found me here for instance. Were you following me?”

Smiling a bit at her inquisitive nature, “No I actually came here with a chaperone. Else wise had I been following you that human would never have made it onto the dance floor with you.”

“Why Pride Leader Naeri, you barely know me and yet you sound as if you’re jealous.”

“Jealously would mean I would have to equate myself to someone or something and that human is does not measure up to me one bit.”

“Why, because he’s human?”

“Wait one second before you start telling me off, I have absolutely nothing against humans… just him.”

“And why is that?”

“Because the man didn’t know how to dance.”

Lifting her head to stare at him now.Frowning at his response to her question. Clearly that wasn’t the answer she thought to hear from him, “He wasn’t bad.”

Smiling down at Ami as if saying ‘So young, so naïve’ Ty explained that, “A good friend of mine always used to say that dancing is the next best thing to sex. If a man or woman shows a prowess on the dance floor then you can imagine where else they may show talent. And any man worth his salt knows the best dance leaves a woman two ways: exhausted and smiling,” Ty said as his lips inched closer and closer to Ami’s upturned face.

She licked her lips several times preparing for the kiss she knew would leave her secretly pleading for more. His lips grazed hers lightly, him never quite giving in until Ami pressed her lips to his; and that was all the signal he needed to take hold of her body and pull her into a haze of his lust. Time seemed to stop just as they did, the entire club disappeared, Ami could no longer feel the people bumping against her nor could hear the music, only the beat of two hearts hers and his. Her lips melded with Ty’s matching his lips achingly slow tempo of hard brazen caresses then to a dueling of the tongues. The heat she initially felt washed away by the rightness of the kiss, the heat was only temporary for it was an ignition of need where the kiss was only a promised satiation; a starting point of what would be the complete dousing of the internal flame. As the kiss deepened Ami wrapped her arms around Ty’s neck as he lifted her off the floor parting her legs so that she instinctively wrapped them around his body. All the while the cooling/heating affect rushed over Ty sending him flashes and images of the two of them in the heat of the moment somewhere in time. The visions of flesh meeting flesh made his already hard erection stiffen even more, his arousal past the point of return so much so that an obvious bulge began to twitch. From hot to cold his temperature changed by the millisecond and his beast was outright having a fit—this was definitely it, the mating tide, called so because just as massive waves continually built up as they rolled and rumbled they eventually ended only to start anew.

But for Ami the cooling affect never tapered off so that she never felt the intermittent hot flashes as Ty did and it all came crashing down for her as her senses returned. She barely broke away from the kiss breathless and her vision unfocused.

“Oh my God.” She looked around the club and saw that the other clubbers had given them a wide birth of room; it was as if they had literally had sex on the dance floor. Had her face not already been flushed from the internal heat, it was sure to have turned red then. She was completely embarrassed but more so inexplicably afraid of the man that had the vice like grip on her.

Turning back to the man that still had a hold of her she tried her best to break out of his clutches, but a deep growl issued from him was a sure sign that he had latched on to her for the night. His eyes were hooded yet she could see the lust that his glare held and it made her tremble. Now that she was able to get better control over her senses she felt what must have been a steel pipe urgently pressing into her.

“Ty let me go.”

To this request he clutched her tighter to him.

“Please Ty, don’t make a scene. Just put me down so we can go somewhere private. We’re in a room full of wolves and humans and God knows what else just put me down so we can leave.”

Her plea must have appealed to the more logical side of him because that’s when he slowly released her, sliding her down the length of his body so that she could feel just how aroused he really was. Once she was set on her feet she straightened out her dress as best she could then she quickly turned and fled the club before Ty could snap back to reality.

Once Ty finally came to, he found himself standing in the club alone not knowing where Ami had gone off to. But he already knew that she was no longer in the club. His beast urged him to give chase and hunt her down but he refused, he had seen the fear in her eyes and felt that it would be best that she have a little alone time, if only for the moment.

Ty left the club with so much on his mind that he didn’t even remember to look for the now missing Gracen.

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