Chapter 14 Misery Loves Company

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Ty turned towards Vin, trying to convince himself that he hadn’t heard the words that had come from Vin’s mouth. But Ty was sure he didn’t have any hearing problems, which meant that his nephew was no longer tucked away on the island from the rest of the unsuspecting world. He felt like he had just been dropped into a ring with the worlds best mixed martial arts fighter because the hits just kept coming one after the other.

“What do you mean Roman is here? Here in the hotel?”

“No I mean he breached the main land fifteen minutes ago.”

With a sigh of relief, “And that means what to me?” asked Ty.

“Shouldn’t we be worried?”

“Unless he’s got the entire pride in arms ready to throw down like some afterschool brawl, then no.”

“What do you think he’s doing on the mainland?”

“How the hell should I know? Why don’t you give him a ring and ask him for yourself. I’ve got something more urgent to take care of.”

“Like a certain female crying her eyes out as she left the building?”

“Yeah, something like that.”

Vin smirked, “I thought you were done with her?”

Inexplicably Ty’s beast was instantly incensed. Grabbing Vin by the lapels of his shirt, pushing him against the wall as sharp nails pierced the tender flesh of his finger tips. His teeth elongated into the hybrid form of the bone breaking incisors of a true lion.

“Never. I will never be done with her!” Ty said as he tried to rein in his beast. He didn’t know why he was so quick to anger these days. The fact that he had found his true mate should have eased his restlessness and ill temperament.

Vin’s body had become tense and strained as he held his own beast at bay. Knowing that he was facing its own Pride Leader was the only thing that kept him from attacking Ty. “Tyrannious, calm down. I didn’t mean anything by it. I didn’t think she was your true mate.”

Backing up to release Vin from the choke hold, Ty spoke, “She is. The true mates test was positive. She’s the one that hasn’t been too positive about the mating.”

“Wow, that’s something.”

“Yeah, tell me about it.”

“So what’s her deal?”

“If I knew don’t you think I’d be with her instead of with you?”

“Well did you try, I don’t know, taking her out on a date to find out?” Vin asked.

The look Ty gave Vin said more words than Ty had patience to enunciate.

“Okay, on to another subject,” Vin said easing away from Ty. “You finally figured out what you gonna do about Roman and his campaign?”

“Yeah… exile.”

“But we’re already in exile.”

“Well the bastard is gonna be kicked out of the Pride and if he doesn’t go for that then he’s a dead man.”

“Yeah, that’s gonna be easy,” Vin said sarcastically. “But as for right this instant what are we doing?”

I’m going to see Ami.” Ty moved around Vin towards the front door, about to step out when his path became blocked by three very big men.

Both Ty and Vin at once scented them, noting that all three men were of the same species, just not the specific pride they belonged to.

Vin was the first to speak, “Now why do I get the feeling that you three boy scouts aren’t here to sell me any pop corn or candy bars?”

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