Chapter 13 Interlude

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The definition of fate is stated to be “the will or principle or determining cause by which things in general are believed to come to be as they are or events to happen as they do: destiny.” Everything that should happen will; according to personal choices, major decisions; in general, whatever path you choose know that it is suppose to be because no one gets to rewind and choose “the other path.”

That much pain was not meant for one person, no one deserved the torture. It was unimaginable for one person to go through the events that were to come and leave the situation the sane and well-adjusted person they were before. Sweat poured from the witch’s head as her vision became clear once again. “Sister, I cannot allow this happen.”

“But you must, it is the will of fate.” The other witch said off to the side of the woman.

“It mustn’t happen. There is too much death and too many lies, the balance will be thrown off, if it already hasn’t started. The rains and the heat are just the beginning. It is not just the summer weather that has the East of the country up to triple digit temperatures.” The witch said as she took off, letting her feet guide her, turning her eyes to her home that housed a great many devices for the plan she was formulating. “And dear sister, your coat was not the color that it should have been. I did not feel any magic emanating from you, so it must have been the imbalance of the universe.”

The two witches looked at each other then, one looking for affirmation from the other. When the other did not voice her disagreement with the others observation the first witch went on down the hall of their small home in search of something.

The other witch following close behind trying to make her point, “But she was never supposed to become like them, you said so yourself.”

“But I have also said that even the truth can be lies. It is there within her, I saw it when they came.” The witch said as she snatched the object of her query from one of the many shelves lining the walls.

“Sister, if pain must be doled out, it must be dealt with.”

“How cold and icy you are, no remorse…” The witch spoke before being cut off.

“No, we know nothing of this girl or of her ungrateful mate. She is not worth the effort.”

“No, she is worth more. The things that are to come will cause an upset. And before you say the very next words that come to your frigid mind, remember that I was given these visions of the future for a reason.”

“As I was given these memories of the past for that same reason…we cannot expect to make our lives better for the future without recollecting on the tumultuous past.” Taking her twin by the shoulders, “There must be pain to abate the good, to give humility.”

“But sister, I need you to remember a past not so different of our own. Roman Naeri is the spear head to the past Sister and if something is not done about him then he will grow more aggressive and seek aid from the wrong people.”

Turning away from her sister, she spoke, “The world is full of the wrong people narrowing it down would take my lifetime as well as Roman’s.”

“Persecution, Sister, desecration, enslavement. These ‘wrong people’ wield that power and I will not be made to sit and watch as others of our kind feel the impact of it. I need you to trust me Sister, there will be pain, I promise and people will be shown humility to their indifference.”

What she was doing would be considered wrong by some, those in the Pride more specifically. Yet morally, she knew it to be the right decision. She had to thwart the Elder that would see Ami dead rather than mated.

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