Chapter 14 Interlude

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Jackson Tussou was bone tired. He was finally done for the day, he prayed for the rest of the year. His newest account was a mess, what would have normally taken him hours had actually taken him days to straighten out. Not to mention the third party that had taken an interest in the account mid way through the total reconstruction of the company’s financial data and earnings. The more he thought all the work he had done in the few days seemed daunting even now that all the work was done. The account had been more than a mess; it had been a complete and utter disaster zone that no accountant in a five mile radius wanted to touch it with a ten foot pole. So the company had called in a few favors and gotten a hold of Jackson.

He knew he was best at what he did and wasn’t too modest to admit it. Besides, having were-lions for bosses, with their temperamental attitude and their penchant for violence at any turn provided Jackson that extra incentive to stay on his P’s and Q’s when it came to handling his business and theirs. And here it was most accountants only worried about silly deadlines.

He was packing up his brief case to leave the clients office then head to the hotel and to gather his few travel items and check out when the client and the third party investor came back into the room. Extending his hand for a handshake the client beamed, “Thank you once again Mr. Tussou. I applaud you for your effort as well as your success. I don’t know if I can thank you enough.”

“Sending the check in the mail will do just fine,” Jackson said laughing. The other two men laughed along with him.

“Okay gentlemen, I must be going. I’ve got a flight to catch. It was nice meeting you Mr. Brown and you too Mr. Manos,” Jackson said.

Dexter Manos shook Jackson’s hand and wished him a safe flight, watching him walk out of the room before turning to Mr. Brown, his new business partner. “I’ll be going as well. We’ll have to meet up again some day soon. Maybe get to go out on the yacht you almost had to sell.”

Grimacing, the other man nodded then left mumbling something under his breath about shark-infested waters.

Laughing to himself Manos left as well, headed for the elevator when his cell phone rang. He reached for it as the elevator doors slid open.

Stepping inside the cab Manos, listened intently to the message stating that his scheduled check in had not been recorded and that it was now an hour after the check in time. Manos thought to himself looks like I’ll be catching that same flight, Jack.

Finally, home at last. Jackson descended the airplane steps and his feet hit the pavement. Jackson had mixed emotions about coming back to his home state. On one hand he was glad to finally be done with his work. But on the other hand he wasn’t looking forward to jumping back into the situation with Tyrannious Naeri and Ami. If ever he had the choice to choose between the two he would have surely chosen to be back working.

He hadn’t gotten a call from Ami at all during his business trip which wasn’t abnormal but the fact she was most likely knee deep in some serious issues was. Knowing he had raised his daughter to be a smart individual he could only hope that she hadn’t done anything drastic since she had last seen him.

Jackson had already stowed his luggage in the trunk of his car then walked around to the drivers side when he noticed the file he had obviously forgotten.

“Damn it.” Jackson breathed a sign of exasperation knowing exactly that the file should have been long stowed away at the Augustine Pride Mansion. Looking at his watch he had a choice to either over look it until he returned to work after his one week vacation, which happened to have started the day before. Or he could dash over the Pride Lands and file it away with all its duplicates and disappear for the remainder of his vacation without any worry over misplacing the file.

Ultimately, he chose to make the run to the Pride Lands just so he wouldn’t have to worry about it later. Maybe after he was done he could finally enjoy his vacation time.

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