Chapter 6 Morning After

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Kick, jab, punch, spinning kick to the abdomen. Sweat was pouring from Ty as he worked his aggression out on the other lions of the Augustine Pride. After he had gotten 100% control over himself Ty had left the club, returned to his hotel room, and made a brief call as he removed his clothes. It was only then that he noticed a prominent damp spot in the crotch of his pants. Seems he had gotten a little too excited during the kiss he shared with Ami. He hadn’t done something like that since he was a teenager eager to bed his first lioness. That kiss, holding her the way he did as his body ached to grind into her to relieve the unbearable pressure in his groin made him stiffen even now. Knowing that she had ran out on him the way she did only served to upset him which caused him to throw his full weight into a body slam that seemed to have left the young lion paralyzed.

The way she ran out on him, practically abandoning him no doubt for that fucking boy she had been dancing with. Once his beast realized what had happened it was outraged and wanted to go after her but after seeing the way she looked, the more human side of Ty took over and quelled the beast’s rising temper. But a woman running away from Ty was definitely not an every day occurrence. But he’d find her though, he’d try to reason with her and make her see the rightness of being with him and wrongness of running away from her true mate.

At the idea of Ami becoming his true mate his heart missed a beat or two and that’s when two middle aged lions were able to swipe his legs from under him and try to pin him to the blood stained mat. As they both struggled with the feat Ty easily broke from their hold and sent the two lion’s heads smacking into one another. When all his opponents lay immobilized on the mat he looked around breathlessly, chest heaving in and out he as he surveyed the crowd that had gathered to watch the sparring. The Augustine Pride leader came up and clapped him on the back intending to usher him from the room when Ty caught a scent of the women that he couldn’t get off his mind. She looked like a deer caught in his headlights and he was the Hummer truck revving its engine, ready to lay her flat on the pavement.


Damn Ty, damn lions, damn the whole lot of them. Well except Mattea. And speaking of Mattea, she and I will definitely be having a chat, Ami thought to herself. First, the Pride Leader renders her speechless, and then she was practically asked out by one of the hottest guys in the university—granted he’s bisexual but it still counts, and that growl, she had never growled in her entire life. Perhaps she was going through a quarter life crisis. Those were the musings of Ami as she lay sprawled across her bed on the Saturday morning.

After running like a mad woman from the club and then finally hailing a cab to take her the rest of the way Ami went home and got a restless night’s sleep. She dreamt of things her mind would not let her remember, which was a regular occurrence for her. Yet for some reason she felt that her dreams held some hidden message for her, one that her unconscious self kept at bay and it irritated her beyond rational explanation. After getting dressed, Ami set out to have that talk with Mattea at the Pride Mansion.

Once Ami arrived, she finally found Mattea in the common area with three men seated around a table with poker chips and cards spread about.

“Read ‘em and weep boys, a full house. Now in the immortal words of Cuba Gooding Jr. ‘Show me the money!’”

The three men groaned all at once as Mattea swept all the chips to her side of the table.

Looking up as she had collected her winnings Mattea gave a broad smile. “Hey there.”

“Don’t ‘hey there’ me.”

Clearing his throat one the three other poker players interrupted, “Mattea, I know I didn’t win but I would still like to go take you out for lunch.”

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