Chapter 13 Grandma Dearest

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What the hell just happened? Ty thought to himself as he stood in the middle of the room feeling as if he’d just been screwed over. He literally couldn’t remember what had just happened in the last four minutes. Try as he might all he could remember was Ami and he locked together in a passionately, heated embrace and then she was gone. He couldn’t remember the excuse she said as she left the room, he didn’t hear the door close, nor did he hear the soft cries becoming softer as she left the hotel.What he did know was that he had done it to himself, his bluntness having gotten him into trouble. But that was who he was, he couldn’t change who he was anymore than a lion could change its mane. His father had always taught him that frank honesty was always better than spreading lies and having them to come back and bite him in the ass. Moreover, the way his karma ran at present he’d have a huge chunk of his ass bitten off if he hadn’t finally come clean to Ami. He just didn’t expect her to react the way that she did. Then again, nor had he expected her to understand and be patient and willing to stand by him.

But how could she just deny what already existed between them? They were mated, whether she liked it or not. It wasn’t something he could change even if he had gone stark raving mad and actually wanted to. Ty found himself still wanting her even though she had run away. Now that he had really some time to remember what transpired between the too, he knew something had gone awry for Ami, he wasn’t totally to blame for the way she had left him standing in the hotel looking like an idiot. And he wanted to know what that something was. He had already tried calling Ami but got no answer so he planned to go over to her apartment when Vin burst through the door.

“Dude, we seriously got problems.”

“What the hell is it now?!”

“Roman…he’s here.”

Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer you take one down and pass it around ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall. Ami sang to her self as she finished off the third glass of wine, turning up the glass to get the last of the few remaining drops of the potent liquid.

“A toast to the dreary, the weepy, down trodden souls of the Earth that have their own load of mess to sort through,” Ami said to the empty apartment. She stood on unstable legs, headed to the kitchen, realizing that she was more than a little tipsy. By the second glass she had a slight buzz but now standing only solidified that she was on her way to being plastered if not already there. But it didn’t matter, she really didn’t give a damn all the moment, even though she wasn’t a drinker she had only indulged into the hazardous vice because she didn’t have any ice cream in the freezer and she desperately needed something to dull the still sharp pain that the vision had left her with. It had begun just after she got into her car as if something inside her was having a panic attack or a fit. Violent sobs wracked through her body, causing her to shake. When she wasn’t crying she felt compelled to turn back around running into Ty’s arms but every time she’d convinced herself that everything would be okay the memory of that vision jumped to the forefront of her mind and that something in her wailed, crying out in disbelief. Ami thought it was her fear over loosing Ty that caused her reaction but then again it wasn’t. It felt like something was alive and thriving inside of her despite all the drama, but Ami didn’t speculate too closely fearing that it was due to the mating tide. And that made it everything worse.

She couldn’t stop the tears, she couldn’t hold back the sobs that seemed to claw their way from her body seeming to fill the small kitchen area, leaning over the sink, letting the pain flow from her just as easily as the tears that streamed from her eyes down her face into the sink then into the drain.

Everything was blurry through the eyes of one that had done what she thought was best. The image of Ty lying in an ocean of his own blood from a wound that would not heal would forever be branded into Ami’s mind. She supposed she could have told Ty what she had seen, but she knew all he would do was try to convince her that everything was all right; everything was taken care. The irony of the situation of was that, if the vision were to be taken seriously then it meant that someone would be taking care of Ty, and it looked as if that day would come very soon.

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