Chapter 3: Talking with mom (Dabi & Todoroki)

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Once the school day ended you decided to go visit your mom. It had been a while since you last talked, after all you had to run the shop. But now that you don't, you don't know how she'll take it.

As you're walking you notice the person in front of you drop their wallet. You thought they'd realize they dropped it but instead they simply kept walking. Being the bigger person you are, you picked up their wallet and returned it to them.

You tapped their shoulder to get their attention,"Excuse me, you dropped your wallet."

When he turned around you were met with beautiful cerulean eyes. His black hair clashed well with his eye color. Yet his skin slightly threw you off. After all it seemed to be burnt and stapled together.

'Damn he looks rough, but also weirdly attractive. Oh no, I'm becoming my mom.'

He grabbed his wallet slowly and bent down to your level.

"Thank you, miss."

You furrowed your eyebrows at his attempt to intimidate you, but brushed it off either way.

"No problem, just thought you might need it." You replied ignoring his close proximity.

"And what might your name be, little miss." He asked staring at you like you were a child.

"I'm (L/n), (Y/n). But you can call me (Y/n). And you?"

He finally gave up on his attempts of intimidation and stood up, "Call me Dabi. I hope we see more of each other (Y/n)."

"I hope so...well uh I have to go. Bye!"

You ran off waving to a potential new friend, as you looked back you could see him saying something but you were too far away to hear. This peaked your curiosity I mean after all, what did he say?

You eventually arrived in front of the hospital. Once you entered you went to the front desk to sign-in. On your way over to your moms room, you saw a tall boy who seemed nervous. His facial expression showing great stress. You had seen him a couple times before it was hard to miss him. His bi-colored hair and heterochromatic eyes made him very noticeable. He always seemed conflicted, you were guessing he was visiting a family member. Though every time he wouldn't actually go he'd simply stay in the lobby then leave after a while.

'Maybe I should help him. I mean he has to visit them at least once. Man at times like these I really should mind my own business.'

Even after thinking this you still approached him.

"Uh Hello, I couldn't help but notice how nervous you were, are you okay?"

He visibly flinched at the sound of your voice. Then soon calmed for he had seen you multiple times before.

"Yes, I'm fine."

'Ah, a man of little words. No matter, I shall aid him in getting the courage to visit his family.'

"You know, I've visited here a couple times and I can't help but notice you do the same. But, I never see you go into a room. I'm sure whoever you're trying to visit would be very happy to see you."

"I don't think so. Either way it's none of your business." He responded coldly.

"Yeah, I mean it really isn't my business. Well I hope whatever issues you come across end up resolved."

He seemed slightly taken a back, he probably thought you would continue to pester him for answers. But you knew better, if someone wanted to say something you wouldn't pry it out of them. You were good at this kind of thing, everyone needed their time.

"Oh! And my name is (L/n) (Y/n). But you can call me (Y/n) in case you want someone to talk to."

You then waved him off and went to your moms room.

'I wonder what she's up to.'

As you approached the door you could subtly hear your mom shouting. Confused you quickly opened the door to find your mom yelling at the tv screen.


"Really mom, I thought you fricken died."

"Baby if I was dead I wouldn't be screaming."

'She right.'

"You know, I kinda thought you forgot about me. *cough* bad daughter *cough*."

"How could I forget my mother, the very woman who pushed me out her coochie." You said looking at her lovingly.

"You can't. Period." She said trying to aggressively trying to move her hands, which ended up looking like one of those inflatable things outside car dealerships.

"Pft." You giggled covering your mouth not wanting your mom to hear you, which ended in utter failure causing you to laugh hysterically. Your laughter slowly died down after calming down and remembering why you were there.

'What should I tell her? How do I tell her? I'm not sure if she'd upset or proud I mean she did like the shop.'

"(N/n)." She stared seriously.

"Yes mother."

"Tell me what's on your mind." She said in a loving tone, wanting you to confide with her.

"Well ma, I got a new job. I'm working a UA now. And before you get all mad there are people running my shop while I'm not there."

There was a slight silence before your mother spoke up, slightly above a whisper.

" saw my husband didn't you."


"You're talking about Eraser head, huh."

"You totally did didn't you."

"I did. But you're not mad?"

"Of course not! It was dream of yours to go UA. So go do what you want baby."

"Thanks ma. Well I should start going the hospital is gonna close soon."

"Yeah, take care baby. And come over more, I like talking to you."


"Ms. (L/n), can I come in?"

'I'm guessing that's her new doctor. But what's she doing?'

When I looked at my mom she quickly fixed her hair and moved her blanket before saying in a smooth voice,

"Come in."

Once the door opened, I understood what she did. A very handsome doctor came in. He had dark hair and bright green eyes. He was tall, well built, and had a chiseled jaw. As I continued to gawk at him I read his name tag.

'Gustavo, huh. Why is everyone so attractive?'

"Well I better get going. See you later ma." You said standing up.

You leaned in, gave your mom a hug and waved at Gustavo then you finally left. Taking yet another train back to UA to find out where you'd be staying. Once you arrived at your room you took a while to just explore. It wasn't big but it wasn't small, and it had a bathroom with a shower thankfully.

You found the bed then got into your jammies. Laying on the bed you went over what happened today and hoped tomorrow was gonna be just as good.

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