Character QnA!

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The next chapter is gonna be long and broken up into two parts, so I wanted to answer some questions :). Also I have a microphone in this.

Author: Hello, yes hi. Umm, I have a question for Ronan. I might need a oujia board for him.


Author: I'm kidding, Anyway what do you think of (y/n)? *puts microphone in front of ronan*

Ronan: *flinches slightly in response* I-I like her a lot umm, she's really nice. If I could, I'd live with her forever in a little cottage next to a pond.

Author: Aww, how cute. *moves microphone back* Next question, what are some other animals-

Kai: *takes microphone* I will happily answer any questions-

Author: *takes back microphone* Take my microphone again and you're getting genital warts. *turns back to Ronan* What are some of your favorite animals?

Ronan: Turtles, fish umm, butterflies, and lizards. *smiles*

Author: You are so precious.

Ronan: y-you're kinda scary.

Author: *looks at reader* Alright next person. I love you Ronan.

Ronan: o-okay.

Author: *slow jogs to Overhaul* Excuse me sir, excuse me sir!

Overhaul: Where am I?

Author:*talks into mic* astral plane. *points mic to Overhaul*

Overhaul: Wha-

Author: *takes mic back* Sex with (y/n), yes? *points back to Overhaul*

Overhaul: uh yes.

Author: *nods* She's a minor, yes?

(shes not but i really want to make this joke guys)

Overhaul: I don't really care about her job.

Author: 👁👄👁

Overhaul: You're a strange girl. *walks away*

Author: I- next caller. *looks around* Eri, hi Eri.

Eri: Hi author-chan.

Author: *sits in front of Eri* do you want (y/n) to be your mom?

Eri: *nods* mmhmm.

Author: do you love her like your mom?

Eri: Yep.

Author: So she is your mom.

Eri: I hope so.

Author: I love you.

Eri: uh- I-I love you too.

Author: thank you, next. *gets up and blows Eri a kiss* wait, who's next? Go, go, go, go.

(Y/n): Are you okay?

Author: *turns around* yes. I have questions for you, might I say you are very pretty.

(Y/n): Thank you!

Author: you're very welcome. Umm, do you feel like Eri's mom?

Y/n: Kind of. I mean I feel the need to protect her so in that way yes. I wouldn't mind being her mom, actually. If I could I would adopt her. *smiles*

Author: *puts on sunglasses* Bright. Are you in love?

Y/n: umm, I plead the fifth.

Author: reasonable. Alright, time for the speed round. Hey Denki!

Denki: hello?

Jirou: oh god.

Author: Do you like y/n?

Denki: uhh-

Author: too slow, moving on. *walks over to Shinso*

Author: hi Shinso *tucks hair behind ear*

Shinso: uhh, hi.

Author: Do you like me- I mean do you like y/n?

Shinso: Uhh yeah, I guess.

Author: thank you, and I love you.

Shinso: u-uh I'm gonna leave. *walks away*

Author: 👁💧👄💧👁

Kai: You still haven't asked me any questions.

Author: no one cares Kai.

Kai: but-

Author: Let's see what's happening in the villain hype house. *walks away, opens a door*

Author: heyyy, how y'all doin?

Toga: 👁👄👁🔪

Shigaraki: 🤚

Mr.Compress: 🕴

Dabi and Hawks: 👯‍♂️

Kurogiri: who are you?

Author: wrong door, heh. *closes door*

Author: I'm in danger. *runs very fastly*

Kai: *chases you* Let me tell you something! Let me tell you something!

Bakugou: WHERE THE FUCK AM I?!!?!?

Author: Yikes. Can you stop screaming, you gremlin.


Author: *squints*

Bakugou was unable to talk.

Bakugou: *muffled yelling*

Author: Much better.

Aizawa: you couldn't do that earlier.

Author: I mean I'll do anything for you. *does the Debby Ryan look*

Aizawa: you're underage.

Author: not in Japan.

Aizawa: *nods*

Author: oh I have a question for you. Do you like y/n?

Aizawa: You could say that.

Author: perfect. Bye, Aizawa. *flutters eyes*

Aizawa: *chuckles* Bye author-chan.

Author: he's railed in me in my dreams a couple of times.

Author: Well that's all the time I have for today. El oh el. But if y'all have any other questions don't be afraid to comment. Like I said before the next chapter will be quite long, make sure you guys take care of yourselves.

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