Chapter 23: Kota likes Grapes

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A/n:  I got a 60 on my math test today which I mean it's better than a 0...anyway let's ignore my failing grades and continue!

You woke up feeling a weight your tummy. You looked to see a sleeping Ronan hugging your waist. As you pet his head you noticed his hair was a little greasy. You lightly shook him, trying to wake him up.

He opened his eyes slowly and looked up to you.

"Ronan." You whispered.


"Get up, so you can shower."

"Mm-mm." He refused, rubbing his face into your stomach.

"I'll make you food. Also I have work today so I need to get up." You tried to persuade him.

He sighed then got up, you did as well. You looked through your drawers for some clothes that might fit him. You grabbed a large t-shirt and some basketball shorts then gave them to him, before pushing him in the bathroom, quickly explaining the shower knobs and closing the door.

You heard the shower turn on, then proceeded to make breakfast. You made him and yourself an omelette, along with packing a bag of clothes for your trip.

Ronan walked out shortly after in the clothes you gave him. They weren't as big as you thought but they'd have to do.

"Is your shower stuff unscented?" Ronan asked.

"Mmhmm, it's better for your skin." You said as you hopped in right after him.

You washed your body f a s t and quickly got dressed. You opened the bathroom door to see you had a good 15 mins before you were late. Not wanting to take any chances you grabbed your stuff.

While walking away you turned to Ronan,

"Hey, I'll be gone for a couple of days-"

"You're leaving?" He asked seemingly upset.

"Yeah, but" you bit your lip in thought, "you can stay here if you want." You weren't completely sure if this was a good idea but you were too nice to kick him out.

"Really?" He seemed surprised.

"Yeah, just call me if you need anything. My numbers on the fridge." You said as you walked out waving him off.

Looking at your phone you ran to the bus location. Once you arrived you saw the students begin to file into the bus.

Much like the other time you sat next to Aizawa.

The bus this time was way fancier though with a little tv screen that could connect to your phone. Having an idea you nudged Aizawa,

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Depends. What movie?"

"I was gonna watch Howl's Moving Castle, it's a really cute movie and I like the characters." You told him.

"Alright." He said. You gave him an earbud and started the movie. You noticed him get tired as the movie progressed so you pushed his head onto your shoulder.

You felt him doze off. Watching the movie, you turned the volume down slightly so you didn't wake him.

Halfway through the movie, the tv screen changed. You were horrified when a very explicit and lewd video began playing. Your ears were assaulted by the noises these females were making.


Realizing who was sitting behind you, it was very clear who the culprit was.

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