Chapter 4 (P2): Everyone needs Comfort

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You followed the stretcher that held a passed out Izuku to the Nurses office. The halls were mainly empty except for some students here and there. Some of those students tried to see what was happening but were quickly redirected back to where they should be.

Once you arrived at the nurses office, you found an empty bed and had the robots gently set Izuku down on the bed. He was already healed because Chiyo thought it'd be quicker if she just did it then. So at this point Izuku was just sleeping. Once he had settled down you began to roam around the office, and instead of finding Shinso there was a note. It read,

"I don't know your name but I know you're Recovery Girl's assistant. I just wanted to thank you and give you my number so we can keep in touch, xxx-xxx-xxxx. -Shinso"

'I'm happy he wasn't weirded out. I'll add his number here in a bit.'

You then heard the office door open revealing a deflated All Might. You didn't talk to him as much as Nezu but you did know his secret. You weren't gonna lie All might felt like the father you wish you had at times, and sometimes he did treat you like his daughter. You kind of knew how his quirk worked but you didn't know any specific details about it. But you knew enough to concur that he had passed his quirk to Izuku.

"Hey (Y/n). How is he?"

"Hi Toshi-san. He's fine. Right now he's just resting." You said as you checked him in, and put the stretcher back.

"Oh, good. I should've stopped the fight, my pride got him hurt." All might sadly said, his head down in shame.

"I'm sure your intentions were pure, and if anything this was like a slap in the face of the real world. I mean heroes get hurt all the time, they have to improvise and figure out the best plan. In real life there won't be someone there to stop the fight." You stated trying to ease his guilt slightly. Which seemed to work because he gave a small smile.

"You're right. Gosh, why are you so smart?" He said jokingly.

"Hey, I'm just tryna help. Anyways I'll leave you two now I have a couple of things-" You were interrupted by high pitched squealing, coming from the apparently now conscious Izuku.

"ALL MIGHT?!" Izuku shouted in disbelief.

"-to do."

After Izukus little meltdown there was a silence between the three of you. You nudged all might so he could explain to Izuku what was happening.

"Uh, well you see young Midoriya. I've known (Y/n) here for a while, so she knows about one for all. She helped sometimes with some of the repercussions of my quirk."

Izuku seemed to pause for a little bit, trying to make sense of what his mentor just said. As he processed this information you swiftly and silently walked not wanting to eat into All Mights time with his successor. They conversed for a while until All Might finally left and soon after Izuku did the same.

All might waved you off before he left, but Izuku didn't you thought it might be because he needs time to comprehend what All Might told him. In other words you weren't hurt by this.

After they left no one else visited the office. You waved bye to Chiyo and asked if she needed any more help to which she responded she didn't. So you took your leave and soon night fell so it was finally time to sleep. You quickly did you nighttime routine, you showered, brushed your teeth, dressed into your jammers and finally collapsed onto your bed.

'This job is much more physically demanding. I mean I didn't do much but still.'

You were soon overtaken by sleep. Dreaming strange dreams as per usual but there was one that never seemed to go away.

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