Chapter 28: Flight Practice

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A/n: I made some changes to your hero suit ( )

You woke up (what if one of these times you just don't wake up? Just a thought...), to the smell of something, *sniff sniff*, burning?

'Burning? Burning... WHATS BURNING?!'

You bolted out of bed and ran into the kitchen, only to find Ronan struggling to cook an egg. Somehow the egg was on fire, you didn't know how but it was. You put the fire out and opened the windows.

"I-I was trying to make you food. But I messed up." He sulked.

"It's fine. I'll make some, you can watch and learn." You said putting your hair up, then washing your hands.

You took out the eggs and all of the proper ingredients then began to make eggs. You cracked the eggs on the edge of the pan, all the while Ronan watched closely. He even looked to see the heat you had the stove on.

As you scrambled the eggs, Ronan put his arms around your waist and his head on your shoulder.

"I'm sorry I burned the eggs and for waking you up."

"No, it's fine. In fact you reminded me about how I need to teach how to do a lot of things." You said continuing to stir the eggs.

"Which, reminds did you get food when I wasn't here?" You asked.

Ronan went silent,

"Well uhh, you see...I asked your neighbor."


"Yeah the little old lady. She was really nice, she kept calling me dearie."

"That's nice...wait...what's today?"

Ronan looked at your phone,


You looked up to see the time and wanted to cry,

"Ronan, why are you awake at 4 am?"

"I just wanted some extra time to figure out, how to make food."

You stood completely still,

'Why? I could be sleeping right now.' You mentally complained.

"Uhh, the eggs."

"Oh! Right." You took the eggs off of the stove and gave some to you and Ronan.

"Could you umm, show me how to use the computer? A-after we eat." Ronan asked. His behavior reminded you of a dog that was just reprimanded. He was keeping his head down, and trying to gain your favor.

"Yeah, heheh. Sorry I'm just still trying to process the time." You apologized, then ate your food.

After you finished your food you showed Ronan your computer. You showed him how to turn it on and off, you then showed him how you look things up. Along with showing him YouTube so he could look how to do things.

You then started getting ready for work, putting on your signature sweats then putting up your hair in a simple ponytail.

"Can I come with you?" Ronan asked.

You contemplated the pros and cons, then decided you should ask before making a decision.

"I'll ask, okay? I don't want them to be to surprised you know."

He nodded in response then sat in front of the computer, playing Minecraft.

"How'd you find that?"

He shrugged then continued playing, you sighed then waved him off.

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