Chapter ten -Royalty-

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After the meeting I was encouraged by Castenea to go change, so I picked a gown out of the closet that the Queen prepared for me. It was a royal purple gown that touched the floor. It was elegant and dainty at the same time. 

I looked in the mirror one last time before making my way to the foyer. When I walk through the door I see Krug and Trenslor in awe of each other by the fire. Each just as amazed as the other.

"So ye said she wasn't yer little one, eh?" Krug plays a game of pat-a-cake with the little girl in his lap, but looks at Keisukei and I to talk.

"No sir, she's an elven girl we rescued in Connous." I smile at the King, a big burly man playing with a small child in the most innocent way.

"I thought finally ye old father let up on forcin ya ta marry a prince. Maybe the Baron and yerself finally got together." Krug looks down at little Trenslor and strokes her hair. "I think all of Aliech would agree with me when I say that yer friends 'ere are a good match."

Kei looks uncomfortable as he sips on his tea. "Wh-why would all of Aliech agree with you?" He stutters as a drop of tea falls from his mouth.

"Well Grace," Krug nudges Trenslor who is now laughing "the two of ya have been friends for a long while now. They always be seein ya together. To anyone who don't know yer ranks or who ya are you'd look like ya was married."

"Wait," Trenslor looks up at her new best friend "you're not married?"

"No sweetheart, they're not." Krug chuckles

Trenslor looks shocked and confused.

 "Well you see," Krug smirks and eyeballs the two of us "Yer friends are royalty. Keisukei 'ere is a Baron, which means he's in charge of all of the Queen's knights and guards."

"So Sango is in charge?" 

Krug laughs a deep laugh that fills the room and everyones ears. "Pretty much. She is a Queen."

Trenslor smiles and he eyes are wide and glittery like two little diamonds stuck right in her head. After about an hour or so she drifts off to sleep with her tiny face nuzzled into Krug's wooly jacket. 

"I can take her to bed if you'd like." Kei puts his tea down, preparing to get up and take the girl to bed. But Krug puts a hand up and carefully stands and walks down the corridor to the nursery. 

Kei scoffs as he stirs his tea with his spoon "Why does everyone think we're together?"

"People believe what they want to believe."

He furrows his brow for a second, almost looking concerned. "You don't want to believe it do you?"

I whip my head around faster than I could even process what he just said to me "No no no no no." I pause for effect "NO. You're my best friend. But THAT. That is a whole new level of weird."

He lets go a sigh of relief "Glad we're on the same page."

"I bet that conversation was an awkward one." A voice from across the room settles over the foyer. 

Maike walks slowly towards us, dressed in his usual attire which is strange at this time of night. 

"What business do you have Maike?" I ask, a little more coldly than I intended.

"I was going for an evening stroll when I overheard the two of you. Couldn't help but notice how incredibly awkward the conversation was." he stops and picks up a scone off the plate on the center table. "It does seem like you're together. Krug is right. I'm personally glad to know you aren't though. I don't need romance going on on my battle field and I definitely don't need it affecting the two of you. It makes you weak, and the two of you absolutely cannot be weak."

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