Chapter seventeen -The Blue Dragon Legatus-

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Today Kei and I set off for the hill over Lake Calida, where Legatus the Blue dragon is said to live. Both sat over Nana, our hair whipping in the wind. I prop my head up on his shoulder to get a good look at our surroundings. It looks like nothing but sand until about a few hundred feet up, where things start to get grassier and trees are easier to find.

"So what do you want for Christmas?" I say softly since I'm right next to his ear.


"Christmas is in a few weeks. What do you want?"

"Hmm."  He ponders for a moment "I don't know. I pretty much have everything I want materialism wise."

"Well what do you want non-materialism wise?"

He smiles and laughs a bit "Don't you worry about that. Better question, what do you want for Christmas?"

"Don't you worry about that." I smile at him even though I know he can't see it. "By the way, what should we get Trenslor?"

He sighs "I don't know, maybe a pet?"

"A pet?"

"Yeah like a pigme dragon or something. Kids like those right?"

I glare at him "You want to get an eleven year old a dragon?"

"She's eleven?!"

"Kei she turns eleven in two days. I was just going to make her a meal of her choice. And make her a cake, by then we should be back in Filia."

He looks down "Yeah you're right. But still. I think we should get her a Pigme dragon. A little pink one. She'll love it."

"Are you going to help her take care of it?"

"I guess so." He smiles and looks out onto the lake as we approach it "Its beautiful isn't it."

"Yeah," I say "It is."

"We may be here for a while by the way. I don't know when he'll show up."

"Is he here now?"

"Sango look at the top of that hill, does it look like there's a dragon up there?"

"Well geez."

He laughs "I'm just kidding."

The way up the hill was silent. I continued to perch my head up on his shoulder. He's significantly taller than me so I have to perch to see anything past him. Occasionally a strand or two of his blue hair would whip into my face, and I would have to brush it away and tuck it behind where my head was. His hair is soft, and smells like the soap we keep at the Castle. And his clothes smell like a pleasant mixture of lemon grass and sunlight. Well...If sunlight had a smell that is.

The hill ends with a cliff over looking the lake. The lake looks more blue up here than it did when we were on the ground. The blue Dragon Legatus is no where to be seen.

"What do we do?" I ask Kei.

He simply lays in the grass and puts his hands behind his head and closes his eyes "We wait." He says, smiling up at the sky.

"But we have a mission to get on with and if we're gone too long Maike and-

Kei grabs my hand and tugs a little "Just lay down. We'll be fine I promise." He smiles at me softly, "If it makes you feel any better the flowers match your hair."

I sit down next to him and lay back, folding my hands over my chest "The flowers match my hair huh?" I laugh.

He smiles again, this time turning his face to look at me "Yeah. They're almost white and then there's the pink stuff in the middle."

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