Chapter sixteen -Dogfights and Celebrations-

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Dowra lets out a battle cry, to let the guard members give notice that we've been spotted.

Kei transforms back into a human and I follow suit, equipping my Shuriken and Kunai. He unsheathes his sword and a smile cracks across his face. The battlefeild is where he liked to be.

A Cessair comes running at me, carrying a dagger. Nothing impressive, it looks light. He pounces me and pins me to the ground. I head butt him and knee him downstairs and take his weakness as an opportunity to push him backwards and off of me with my feet. As soon as his body goes flying a sword slices his midsection, leaving devistating wounds.

I turn back to see Kei smiling at me with that devious grin he does when he's enjoying a fight. We back up into each other and grin, because we've got each others back. hundreds more Cessair pour into the area, each one taking a swing at us, and getting slain by my Shuriken or the Alpha sword. All it takes is a flick of the wrist.

When things start to look too hairy Kei and I make our way to the pit we saw earlier, the Cessair follow us, still trying to kill us. They swipe at our feet, trying to knock us backwards into the pit of magma.

Kei's face has lost its grin and so has mine. We're right up against the pit now, close to falling in, the Guard members have their hands full and couldn't help us if they wanted to.

I look back over to Kei and he's staring at my hands. They're glowing gold.

He looks up at my eyes and tells me something barely audible over the noise of the battle "They're Gold."

I feel it. I feel my blood getting hot and my heart starts to pound harder and harder, and as it does the gold glowing at my fingertips grows brighter and brighter. I feel like I'm on fire, like everything around me is going to catch fire.

The ground starts to shake and volcanic rock starts to shake from the ceiling. Stalagtites start falling and the Guard members start retreating. Leaving us with the Cessair. Dowra makes her way to see us through the crowd and Kei points his finger, shouting at her to go.

I feel it, the fire is about to start. Everyone is going to burn.

Kei casts a sheild around us and I let the fire go. The Cessair burn and scream. And they all begin to turn into nothing but black puffs of smoke. The volcano is nothing but fire, white hot fire. So hot I can feel it through the sheild, and I shouldn't be able to do that. Kei's face is of pure fascination. Like a childs while looking at animals at the zoo.

My hands stop glowing gold and the fire in my blood dies down, and so do the flames in the volcano cavity. Everything is quiet, and still.

"Sango," Kei looks at me with wide eyes "How did you...?"

"I don't know." I gulp "It just happened."

Dowra comes running into the cave, looking shocked to see that it was empty except for Kei and I.

"What in the heck was that Princess!" She shouts

We meet her half way and she's smiling like a kid on Christmas. "Sango, that was incredible. You really are who you say you are."

Dowra chatters the whole way back to the beach, about how impressive Kei and I were and how great it was when I caught everything on fire. Castenea and Maike looked stunned that I even had powers that came along with being the Conductor. Krug just pats me on the shoulders and won't stop calling me Hot Head.

"What do ya say we head on over to the Calida base camp, and have us a drink eh? In honnor of our warriors today."

Everyone nods their heads and laughs excitedly, Kei and I just look at each other. We aren't even old enough to drink yet. And we have no desire to drink.

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