Chapter thirteen -The Rest Of The Journey-

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Nana trails behind the caravan chomping happily at her oat bag, and Kei sits across the wagon from me flipping a coin, Trenslor of course is with her newfound best friend at the front of the caravan.

"Why are we even back here anyways?" Kei stops flipping his coin "Why aren't we with the rest of the leders at the front?"

"Because thats exactly where the enemy will expect us to be if we undergo an attack." I lift my eyes to look at him, but not my head "You're the 'Knight in Shining Armor' you should know that."

"Woah woah woah there Miss Attitude, what got into you?" Kei scoffs at me

"Nothing Prince Charming, just trying not to get too friendly with you is all." I pick up my book on sewing and start reading it.

"What on Errin are you talking about? Sango you went from practically sleeping with me every night to" he puts up air quotes "'not wanting to get too friendly' what is wrong with you?"

I feel the heat rise to my cheeks and the anger boil up inside me "Practically sleeping with you!?"

Kei's face turns downward as he starts to defend himself "Sango thats not what I meant and you know it. What is going on with you? Why are you so upset with me all of a sudden?"

"You know, if you didn't want me to sleep near you all you had to do was say so. But I was not 'practically sleeping with you'. I would never do that." I clench my fists and scowl at him

"Wow okay," Kei looks shocked "first of all ouch, my pride. Second of all you never answered me Sango, where is all this coming from?"

"I don't want to-

Kei thuds to his knees in front of me and gives me the sternest look I've ever seen him give me "You're going to tell me whats going on Sango, I'm not being nice this time and I'm not asking you to tell me. I'm ordering it. Now where is this all coming from."

He's mad at me. I can feel it. He's never been this upset with me before and right now he's sitting right in front of me, mad as a hatter. Look what you've done Sango, look what you've done. All because you're a little angry he didn't tell you about Shamala.

I can feel myself start to cry, and I lean forward onto my hands and knees, lowering my head so he cant see me. "Trenslor told me about you and Shamala, and I was just really upset that you didn't tell me that you felt that way about her."

The look on his face softens to a dull smile and he lifts my face into the palm of his left hand. "Sango, nothing is going on between Shamala and I. I've just been talking to her about transformation magic." His smile gets a little bigger and he chuckles "I've gotten stronger for the mission thats all. In all honesty she smells like a human litter box, okay? Next time ask me about this stuff okay?" He gives me another smile and wipes a tear off my face before hugging me.

"I might of been a little jealous of her." I joke sarcastically "Didn't you know the Princess is the most important female in your life?"

Maike brushes the curtain aside that separates our wagon from the one in front of us "My God, can't you two quit with the PDA for a few minutes so we can carry out the mission that, you know," he raises his voice "saves Errin!"

Kei stands up face to face with him "Listen little man, the Princess was upset. That is my que to comfort her. If there is an issue I'd love for you to let me know. Other than that state your business and leave."

"As head of Castenea's Royal Guard-

Kei clutches Maike's collar and glares at him "We ain't in Filia anymore, Nancy. Quit hiding behind your title."

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