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I opened my eyes as soon as my alarm sounded. I quickly reached over and switched it off.

I groaned not because I had to get up, but because it was another day in which I had to be productive.

I grabbed my phone from its charger and checked the time.

Sunday, May 24

I instantly felt better about the day. Today marks my last and final week of high school.

I can almost say that I conquered hell.

No more homework, snobby teachers, nasty cafeteria food, and most importantly, people.

Life couldn't get any better at this moment.

I hopped out of bed and flew downstairs to see my tolerable family.

If you haven't caught my drift, I don't like most people.

"Riley honey, your breakfast is own the table." my mom said to me looking down at her phone most likely checking her Facebook timeline.

"Thanks mom!" I said hugging her and kissing the side of her cheek and went to grab my plate of food.

Wait, did I really just hug and kiss my mom?

My mom must have been as surprised as me, because she looked up from her phone and sent me a questioning look.

"What's wrong with you?" my annoying ass little twat of a brother asked.

"I'm feeling great this morning I guess." I shrugged while grabbing some bacon off my plate.

"What for? Did Riley finally make a friend?" He asked, laughing at his own joke.

"Shut it twat." I said while rolling my eyes. "Today, I'm officially a week from graduating high school." I smiled profoundly.

"Congrats honey." my father said looking up from his newspaper. Typical old guy.

That was the end of that conversation which lead to my parents talking about the normal old people stuff. News, work, and corny punchlines.

After breakfast, the rest of the day just passed by.

It was now currently evening now, and I was in bed sitting on my phone.

Usually I just read a book on wattpad or something but today I decide I would go on Instagram to catch up on all the pretty selfies I missed. Note the sarcasm.

I was scrolling through my timeline and I saw #seniorprankparty on someone's Instagram.

I wanted to know what this was so I clicked the hashtag and saw an article.

Hey seniors!
This school year is almost over! Can you believe it? It's almost time for new beginnings and new chapters in our lives. To celebrate this joyous occasion, we are having a week full of pranks! It's time for you to get your creative minds to use and prank each other. This event will lead all the way to graduation. Have fun and be on the lookout at all times! Cheers seniors!
Yours truly,
Sara McPhee
Class of 2014, Class President

I was already beyond done with stupid idea. I already knew I was going to get pranked, since everyone hated me and I hated everyone. Who would want to get pranked everyday for a week?

Now this is the greatest time for everyone to get back at someone for something they did. Great, I was graduating with idiots.

But then again, this is the perfect time for me to...

You know on the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas when he has one of those evil smiles. That's exactly what I had at that exact moment.

It was was at that moment I made a list of six names who has done the worst things to me.

I decided that I was going to get revenge on them.

I mean prank them.

first chapter. im actually liking this. please don't steal anything from this book. to help you with upcoming chapter, each chapter is going to have two parts. one to tell what the person did and another for the revenge. this story is teen fiction so all names i made up off the top of my head.

well like and comment for more.

bye guysssss

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