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The sun had barely risen when Namjoon found Hana in the gym. He kept his distance as he watched her spar with Jimin. From where he was standing, he could see the sheen of sweat on her exposed body and Jimin was in a similar condition. Namjoon couldn't help but bite into his bottom lip at the workout clothes Hana had on and he didn't care that she was fighting Jimin who was only in a pair of boxing shorts.

The tight workout bra emphasised her breasts and the lycra shorts she had on touched midthigh, giving Namjoon a great view of her ass. He had to swallow back his lust and he took a deep breath as Hana knocked Jimin to the floor, sitting on his stomach, trying to punch his face. He grit his teeth as Jimin flipped her onto her back, pressing his body into her.

"Hmm," Jimin said, with a smirk, "I like this position. Struggle some more against me,"

"Ugh," Hana said, lifting her leg up and wrapping it around his neck. Namjoon's eyes widened slightly as she threw him back with her leg and grabbed his arm, locking it tightly, "You don't excite me, Jimin. I thought we went through this already?"

"Ow!" Jimin yelped, "I'm tapping! Ease up,"

Hana chuckled and let him go, getting to her feet, "I've won every fight so far. I would have thought someone dealing with mispaid debts could fight better,"

"You are a bitch," Jimin said getting to his feet, "Oh. Hey, Namjoon,"

Hana looked over at him and smiled, "Hey,"

"Mmm," Namjoon said and walked into the gym, "Why are you up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep," Hana said, grabbing her bottle of water, "You should be in bed,"

"You should be resting as well," Namjoon said handing her a towel, "It's been 2 weeks since you were jumped,"

"Namjoon, I'm not broken," She said, "And I needed the exercise,"

"Uh-huh," He said folding his arms, "I don't see that as exercise. I see that as a workout that shouldn't be happening,"

Hana rolled her eyes, "If you are jealous, you can fuck right off. I needed to destress and you've been treating me like I'm fragile,"

"You were beaten up 2 weeks ago. You are fragile,"

"I'm fed up of being treated like I'm going to shatter into a million pieces," Hana said, "I've not left this house in 2 weeks and I'm getting fed up,"

"This is for your own good,"

"Excuse me?" Hana said.

"I'm leaving," Jimin said quickly walking away, "I'll see you both at breakfast...or Just Hana because you might be killed,"

Namjoon sighed and looked back at Hana, "I don't want you to get hurt again. This is the only way I can protect you,"

"I feel like a trapped animal. I can't stand it anymore, Namjoon," Hana said, "I want to rip my hair out I'm so stressed. I'm not worried about this brother of yours and why should I be? I can look after myself and-"

"Then how do explain what happened 2 weeks ago?"

"I was caught off guard and I wasn't expecting to be zapped with a stun gun," Hana said, "How was I supposed to know that you had a brother and he is a complete nutcase?"

"I haven't seen him as a brother since he went off the rails,"

"You still should have told me you had a brother," Hana sighed, "I don't know anything about you Namjoon and it's frustrating me. You know everything about me down to the first failed exam I've had. I only know how your parents were and what you did for a living. I want to know you. I'm your girlfriend and it's like I don't know you,"

"I don't like to talk about me, Hana and you know it," Namjoon said, "Why should I tell you about my childhood or my brother or anything else for that matter?"

Hana looked up at Namjoon and shook her head, "Well, then. That answered all my questions,"

"Where are you going?"

"To my room. I need a shower before breakfast," Hana said, "And I don't want you to join me,"

"Hana, I don't want you caught up in this. You've seen what my brother can do and I-"

"It's too late, Namjoon," Hana said, jogging up the stairs, "I've been caught up with your shit since I went undercover as a hooker. Just because I'm your girlfriend now doesn't mean it should change,"

"I don't want you to get hurt,"

"Too bad," Hana said, walking through the kitchen, "I'm already hurt and not because I was beaten up 2 weeks ago,"

"Babe, just listen to me,"

Hana stopped in her tracks and Namjoon almost bumped into her. She turned around and looked up at him, "I'm listening,"

"What? Now?" He said looking at everyone trying to mind their own business in the kitchen.

"I don't see when else you are going to talk to me," Hana said, "Talk,"

"In front of everyone,"

"And that is your problem," Hana said, "You can never talk in front of people. I understand you aren't good with your emotions and that's fine. But if you want me to trust you more, then you have to open up and tell me what your brother's problem is. Taehyung and I are the only ones who know nothing about him and we deserve to know everything you have on him,"

"I've told you already, I don't want you involved in his shit,"

"Too fucking late!" Hana snapped, "Look at me and look at my brother. I'm already involved in his shit the moment he zapped me with a stun gun. If you don't tell me about your brother, then I will find out myself,"

"Stay out of this Hana,"

Hana scoffed, "Whether you like it or not, I'm involved and there's really nothing you can do about it. Obviously, your brother knows a lot about you and since he beat up my brother and me, he knows about us,"

"I'm warning you, Hana," Namjoon said, "You stay the fuck out of this,"

"You honestly think you can boss me around?"

"Yes. You belong to me and-"

"You can stop right there," Hana said, prodding her finger into his chest, "I belong to no one and don't you fucking forget it. If you are going to act like I'm some sort of possession, you can go fuck yourself because I'm not the girls you've fucked around with before,"

"Hana, I-"

"No. Go fuck yourself, Namjoon," Hana said walking away, "I'm going for a shower and I want to be left alone. If you even think about coming into the bathroom Namjoon, I will put a bullet in you,"

"Hana. Don't just fucking walk away,"

Hana lifted her hand up and walked out the kitchen giving him the middle finger. Namjoon cursed and threw a plate against the wall.

"I hope you're going to clean that up," Jin said.

"Shut up, Jin,"

Jin sighed, "You are pushing her away and-"

"Shut up!" Namjoon snapped.

"Don't take your anger out on me," Jin shrugged, "Hana is right. She deserves to know about your brother and she isn't a possession, so get that through your head,"

"I don't need relationship advice from you, Jin," Namjoon said and Jin grit his teeth, "I'll be in my office. Get Soojin to bring me breakfast. I need to make some calls,"

A/N: Here you go hoes.

Don't forget to vote and comment. If you haven't already, make sure you read 'Undercover' first or none of this will make sense. It's a long one so apologies. I can't say how long this one will be but it might not be as long as the first book but we will have to wait and see. You all know I get carried away with my stories.

There will be a few side stories in here that involve Darcy and Yoongi. Plus Taehyung and some people~

Stay weird <33

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