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Hana folded her arms, trying not to look at Namjoon as he closed his office door. It was obvious that he was on edge and Hana didn't want to step over another line to cause them both to argue. She wanted to sort their relationship out and she needed to remain calm and collected, or things would get out of control. But Hana knew how quick Namjoon's mood could change so she had to be careful.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" Hana asked, watching him sit down behind his desk.

"Come here," He said, and opened his laptop, "Now,"

Hana took a deep breath and walked over to him. Namjoon lifted his eyebrows and tapped his thighs. She let out a sigh and rolled her eyes before sitting on his lap and was pleasantly surprised when he smirked slightly. He moved her legs to rest either side of his thighs and rested one of his hands on her stomach as he pointed to the laptop with his other hand.

"Who is that?" Hana asked.

"That is my brother," Namjoon said, "This was taken a few years ago without his knowledge. I had to keep an eye on him when they released him from prison but shortly after this was taken he disappeared. After my parents got him sectioned he was locked up for a few years but was released,"

"They let him go?"

"Unfortunately," Namjoon muttered and sighed kissing the base of her neck, "The police kept tabs on him and when they went to check up on him, they found him killing an old friend of his. I didn't believe my parents about how brutal the killing was until I saw the photos. I didn't ask what Yugyeom killed the guy with, but he was beyond recognition. Every bone in his body was crushed and there was nothing left of the skull. He had pulverised the guy's skull,"

"That is...I have no words," Hana said quietly.

"There is a reason I want you to keep your distance and not leave the house. I don't want you to end up like that guy or anyone else he has killed,"

"I also don't want cabin fever,"

Namjoon sighed, "I understand that, but if you get attacked again then I would lose my mind. I would kill everyone who gets in my way and I wouldn't care if they were innocent. Hana, can you please just listen to me once and stay put?"

"What if I have more than one bodyguard?" Hana asked, "And I always stay in crowded places and-"

"No," Namjoon said, "I'm not arguing with you about this. I won't ask you. I'm going to tell you. You are not leaving the house,"

"I'm not going to be kept a prisoner, Namjoon," Hana sighed, "I understand why you are worried but I can't be cooped up here. I will go insane,"

"I'm sure I could convince you to do as you are told," He said, sliding his hand down her stomach and pressed against the juncture between her legs, "What do you say, baby? Want me to convince you?"

Hana let out a shaky breath as he slipped his hand under the fabric, "I w-won't lose,"

Namjoon chuckled, "Yes. You will,"

"T-try me," Hana said, trying not to moan as he rubbed her in small circles.

"Guess I'll just have to fuck you into submission," He said, almost growling at her, "Stand up and bend over my desk,"

There was a knock on the door and Namjoon pressed down harder onto Hana, making her squeak slightly. He ran his tongue up the side of her neck and moved his chair closer to the table, before calling the person in.

"What?" He said as Jin came into the room.

"Jae has just shown up," 

Namjoon tutted, "What the fuck does he want? I told him he isn't allowed back here,"

"Soojin let him in and he's waiting to see you," Jin said, "Hana, are you ok?"

"Y-yeah," She gulped as Namjoon slipped two fingers inside, "Tired,"

"You should get some rest," Jin said.

"I'll make sure she does once I've finished talking with her," Namjoon said, "Tell Jae he will have to wait and if he shows up on my doorstep again, I will shoot him,"

"Alright," Jin sighed, "Hana, your brother wants to talk to you as well. Jungkoon has something important to tell you and I feel like a fucking messenger boy. Please hurry up with your talk and get-"

Jin's words were cut off by Hana letting a moan out and she quickly covered her mouth going bright red in the face.

"For fuck sake," Jin said, "Namjoon! You could have fucking sent me away!"

"I'll do it now," Namjoon said, "Fuck off and make sure no one else disturbs us,"

Jin nodded and quickly left the room. Namjoon removed his hands from her underwear and stood up, pushing Hana over the desk. He pressed his body hard against hers and lowered his mouth to her ear.

"Let's make a deal," He said quietly.

"What kind of deal?" Hana asked, "I won't-"

"Lose, yeah. I know," He said, biting onto her ear making her yelp in pain, "I'm going to fuck you and I'm going to fuck you hard. If you cum before I tell you too, you stay in the house and only go out of I am with you,"

"A-and if I don't?"

"You can leave the house without me present. You can take Shownu and Changkyun with you,"

Hana nodded and licked her dry lips, "Alright. But I'm good at holding back my orgasms,"

"We'll see about that," Namjoon said, unbuckling his belt, "Because I'm about to fuck you hard. I am going to make you scream so that the whole-"

"Knock, knock!" Taehyung said pushing the door open, "What a surprise. Hana, get your ass out of this office before I drag you out,"

"Piss off!" Hana said, standing up.

"Ok," He said throwing himself onto the sofa, "I will wait here until you leave the room with me. I am not going to shift until you agree to leave him behind and keep me company,"

"Tae, are you being serious right now?"

"Does it look like I am fucking about?"

"Go on," Namjoon tutted, "But trust me when I say this, Hana. We will finish this off later tonight,"

Namjoon pressed a gentle kiss to the base of her neck and Taehyung grabbed her arm, dragging her out of the room. Namjoon sighed in frustration and sat back down, running his hand through his hair.

"If he wasn't her brother, I'd fucking kill him," He muttered to himself.

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