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Hana took the photo's from Namjoon's hand and sighed, "You think I can see that far up?"

"You told me you knew if you were being followed," Namjoon snapped, "That bastard has taken more photos of you and you just sigh at me?"

"These were taken from 3 floors up, Namjoon. How the hell was I supposed to know that?"

"Then look at this one," He said, almost slamming it into her face, "This was taken from across the restaurant you were eating in. Care to explain how you didn't see this?"

"If you are just going to-"

"I fucking knew I shouldn't have let you leave this place," He snatched the photos back and screwed them into a ball, tossing them across the room, "This is the fucking reason why you need to do as you are told!"

"Hey," Freya said, "She's not a dog,"

"Stay the fuck out of this," Namjoon said, "This has nothing to do with you,"

"Don't talk to her like that," Hana said, "It's true. I'm not a dog. Why are you so angry about this? You said I could leave if-"

"And that is the last time you leave," Namjoon said, "I've had enough of receiving photos of you in the fucking post. You don't understand how dangerous my brother can be and you are acting like he doesn't exist,"

"Why are you shouting at me?"

"Because you are so fucking stubborn. You never listen to anything I say. You always use sex to convince me to let you do things and it's pissing me off,"

"Excuse me?" Hana said narrowing her eyes, "Do you honestly think that I use sex against you?"

"Maybe we should just leave the room," Yoongi said.

"No. You are going to stay put," Hana said, "Because someone will need to hold me back or I will put this bastard on his ass,"

"This is-"

"Shut up, Namjoon," Hana said, calmly, "We have talked about this and if you want me to respect you, then you should learn to respect me. What happened during the time I was gone? Or did you suddenly lose more brain cells when you opened that envelope?"

"You told me that you would be careful and now look. More photos," Namjoon said, "You never listen to me. It would be easier to have a fucking dog than be in a relationship with you,"

Hana's heart skipped a beat and she nodded, "You're right,"

"They'd be more loyal as well," Namjoon said quietly.

"And what the fuck is that meant to mean?" Hana snapped, "Loyal? Are you fucking kidding me? I've done nothing but support you and you are clearly accusing me of cheating,"

"Explain the numbers then,"

"They are fucking numbers! I didn't spread my legs for them! I didn't get my tits out for them to touch!" Hana yelled, "I told them I had a boyfriend and they respected that! How dare you accuse me of cheating on you. I gave up everything to be with you and this is how you treat me?"

The room was silent but the anger radiating off their bodies was high.

"You promised me that you would change," Hana said, "But once again, you got my hopes up for nothing. You fucking promised that you would stop acting like this towards me. I finally thought we could work on this relationship but you start being like this,"

"Act like what? An angry boyfriend who gets photos sent to his house?"

Hana shook her head, "You aren't acting like a boyfriend. You are acting like a fucking psycho,"


"I love you Namjoon," Hana said, "But I can't do this anymore,"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm done," She said quietly and Namjoon's eyes went wide, "I'm done with being the only one who wants to work things out in this relationship. I have tried and tried but I can't. I deserve better and right now, you..."

"You're dumping me?" Namjoon hissed, "You're fucking leaving me?"

"It's not like I'm running into your arms," Hana said, stepping away from him, "Unless you change, this won't work out. Sorry, Namjoon. But you and I are no longer,"

Hana held back her tears as she walked out of the room and she heard Namjoon go after her. He grabbed hold of her and slammed her against the wall, his eyes wide.

"You aren't leaving me,"

"You don't have a choice," Hana said, moving his hands away from her, "I'm not being treated like a possession. If you didn't want me to leave, you should have tried harder to make an effort but no. You always go back to the same controlling asshole,"

"Fine," Namjoon snapped, "Leave me. I don't fucking care. I'll find someone else who will do as they are told,"

"I'm sure you will," Hana said bitterly, "Sharon will happily take my place,"

"She's better in bed than you anyway,"

Hana laughed slightly, "I'm sure she is. Fuck you, Namjoon. I fucking hope you get that ass out of your head before you lose it completely,"

"Pack your shit and get out,"

"I was going to!" Hana snapped and walked upstairs, "You think I want to stay in a place with a psycho mother fucker like you? I'll take my chances elsewhere,"


Hana slammed her bedroom door and broke down in tears. A few seconds later the door opened and her friends were hugging her tightly.

"Honey, don't cry over him," Jenna said, "He isn't worth it,"

"I j-just love h-him so much," Hana cried, "But h-he just can't change the w-way he treats me,"

"Someone like him will never change," Freya said, "You deserve so much better. He doesn't deserve your love,"

Chelzi wiped her tears away and smiled, "Where ever you go, we will go,"

Hana shook her head, "You can't leave here. You are in more danger than me,"

"We need to go out next weekend. What do you say?" Sara said, "We get the sexy outfits on and the sexy heels and we dance and drink the night away,"

"Sounds good," Hana whispered, "C-can you l-leave me alone for a bit? Please?"

"Of course," Darcy said, "Call if you need us. Ok?"

Hana nodded and the girls left the room, closing the door behind them. Hana wiped the tears away from her face and pulled her phone out from her jacket. She dialled a number and held the phone to her ear waiting for them to pick up.


"Hey. It's me. I need a place to crash,"

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