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Namjoon stood outside Hana's room trying to force himself to knock but when he heard someone else's laugh from inside, he clenched his fists and walked away. He was already angry but hearing that laugh almost sent him over the edge.

"Where are you going?" Jin asked as he reached the bottom of the stairs, "I thought you were going to apologise to Hana,"

"Fuck her," Namjoon said, "She doesn't deserve shit right now,"

"I see," Jin said, "Then you run along and I'll do your job and tell her what she needs to know,"

"You won't do anything," Namjoon said, "She's my girlfriend and-"

"Is she?" Jin said, "Because you don't treat her like one. Shit, Namjoon. What is your problem?"

"I don't have a problem. She's the one who thinks it's ok to get up on stage and dance for other men,"

"You are acting like a child right now," Jin said, shaking his head, "You are my friend and I will follow you till the day I die...but you need to be honest with her because if this carries on, I can't see you lasting. Stop treating her like an object or possession and I won't think about shooting you in the face again,"

"Then maybe she should treat me with more respect," Namjoon snapped, "I've done nothing but protect her and she does that to me!"

"You have no fucking idea how this works, do you?" Jin said, getting in Namjoon's face, "Stop acting like this. That girl up there has done nothing but respect you. Do you remember the time where you forced her to do that job where she ended up being beaten up? Then what about when Hoseok fucking hurt her. She still respected you enough not to tell the god damn police and stick by you even though he was supposed to be your friend,"

Jin scoffed and pushed Namjoon away from him.

"I am this close to convincing her to dump your sorry ass and move in with Jungkook,"


"Shut the fuck up," Jin said, glaring at him, "I'm done with this situation now. You might be the boss of The Red Devils but I will make a stand against you until you fucking sort this out. Call a house meeting tonight or I will walk out of that door and take Hana and Taehyung with me. It will be the last time you ever see us,"

Hana laughed as Jungkook complained about losing yet another game of Overwatch and he dropped the remote, throwing himself back onto her bed with a sigh.

"Oh come on," She said, "It can't be that bad losing against me,"

"I've never lost this game. I'm a pro,"

"Clearly not," Hana giggled and patted his thigh, "We should probably get something to eat. I can't live off snacks for the rest of my life,"

Jungkook smirked, "I'm sure I could think of a workout to burn the calories away,"

"If you are thinking of sex, you can go fuck Jimin,"

"No!" Jungkook said going bright red in the face, "I was thinking about making you work really hard in the gym! Jesus. Where is your mind? Dirty girl,"

Hana rolled her eyes, "Whatever,"

"Wait," Jungkook said grabbing her wrist and sitting up, quickly brushing his long hair from his eyes, "I needed to talk to you about, Namjoon,"

"I'd rather not," She muttered, "I have nothing to say about him right now and frankly, I don't want to hear anything about him,"

"There might be a way to get him to talk to you," Jungkook said, "Your brother will kill me for putting this into your head but you are the only one to do it,"

"Which is what?" She asked, lifting her eyebrow.

"Fuck him,"

"Is that it?"

"Well, yes and no," Jungkook bit into his lip, "You could always be Jimin for the night,"

"Excuse me?"

"You know, be kinky. Tie the bastard down and torture him until he spills," He shrugged, "I am sure he'd give in,"

"Right," Hana said, slowly, "You do know that Namjoon wouldn't crack over something like that, right? I've tried and all he does is fuck me and goes to sleep,"

"Wow," Jungkook frowned, "I had no idea it was that bad,"

"Yeah, well it is," Hana muttered, "I'm not sure what is going on in that stupid head of his, but I...I don't know. I really do love him but he's breaking me right now,"

Jungkook pulled her into a hug as he saw tears fill her eyes and he put his hand on the back of her head, hearing her sniff into his chest.

"It will be ok," He said quietly, "I don't know what is going on with him but he might be scared,"

"Of what?" 

"Seeing you hurt or taken away from him again," Jungkook said, putting her face in his hands, "I saw what happened to him when Jooheon took you and he's probably shitting himself that it will happen again, but from what I have heard, his brother is worse,"

"Who knows," Hana whispered, "I just want him to be honest with me. He's breaking my heart right now and it's wearing me down,"

"I understand," Jungkook sighed, "It's hard to have your heartbroken but I'm sure things will work out,"

"I hope so," Hana said quickly wiping her eyes, "Shit. I hate crying,"

"Don't we all," Jungkook smiled softly at her, "Should we get something to eat now? I need my energy to beat you at that game,"

Hana managed a smile and nodded, "You'll need more than food to kick my ass,"

"We will see about that," Jungkook said, winking at her.

They both walked downstairs and bumped into Yoongi who was coming out of Namjoon's office. His eye was slightly bruised and his lip was split, bleeding slightly.

"Oh," He said, "I was coming to get you,"

"Are you ok?" Hana said, "Who did that to-"

"Namjoon has called a house meeting," He said, licking the blood away from his lip, "Grab something quick to eat and a drink. Alcohol is needed but hurry up. He's in a bad mood,"

"Did he do that to you?" Hana asked.

"Huh? This?" He said pointing to his face, "Nah. Don't worry about who did this to me. They've been taken care of,"

"Uh-huh," Hana said, "They in the basement?"

"Where else?" Yoongi smirked, "I need to get Darcy. Get your asses moving before Namjoon breaks something else out of anger,"

A/N: Sorry for the slow updates hoes and my bad if this chapter isn't that great. But meh.

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Stay weird <33

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