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It had been a long week for Hana. Jungkook was still in a lot of pain and she made sure he ate and rested as much as he could before he had to get up and face everyone. Hana was dragged from her room by the girls and every time she walked into the same room as Namjoon, he practically ran away.

She had no idea why he ran from her but she wanted to find out why.

Hana opened his office door slightly and saw him sitting behind his desk staring into space. She swallowed hard and knocked making him jump.

"H-Hana?" He said jumping to his feet, "Are you ok? Do you-"

"I'm fine," She said, "Can we talk?"

"Right now?" 

Hana nodded, "Now,"

"Sure. I guess. Sit down,"

Hana gripped the bottom of her shirt tightly as she sat down and Namjoon came to sit on the other sofa.

"Did you want a drink?"

"Oh. No. I'm good,"

"Then what's wrong?"

"Why do you keep running away from me?"

"Ah," He said, "Cause we aren't together anymore and...fuck. I just didn't think you'd want...want to be in the same room as me,"

Hana lifted her eyebrow slightly, "So you just run like your ass is on fire?"

"Yeah," He said quietly.

"Namjoon, just because we aren't together doesn't mean you have to avoid me,"

"I didn't think you would want to be around me after everything,"

"We are both adults," Hana shrugged, "I know you want to ask about...you know,"

"You and Jungkook?" He said through gritted teeth, "Well, it isn't my business. We weren't together when it happened so you can fuck whoever you want,"

Hana almost smirked, "But it hurt you, didn't it?"

"What do you fucking think?" He snapped, "Did you fuck him to get back at me?"

"Did you fuck Sharon because you saw me smiling with another man?"

Namjoon's eyes widened slightly, "Who told you that?"

"Doesn't matter," Hana said standing up, "I think you need help. Honestly, serious help,"

"I am," He said and tutted, "But that isn't any of your business. You aren't my girlfriend,"

"Oh, I see," Hana said, "You are being childish. That's cool with me. I would rather deal with a child than an angry controlling Namjoon,"

"I'm still pissed off with you,"

Hana rolled her eyes, "Feeling's mutual. When you decide to grow up, come find me. Until then, I will be trying to figure out how to take that brother of yours out. He has taken it way too far and to stand there watching Jungkook and I fuck is just weird!"


"He was probably jacking off the sick bastard," Hana shivered in disgust, "I didn't know he was taking photos,"

"If he wasn't there, would you have told me that you let Jungkook fuck you?"

"It was mutual. We both wanted it. Just like you and Sharon wanted to fuck,"

"It was a mistake!" Namjoon exclaimed, "I was so fucking angry! I...I got you flowers,"


Namjoon ran his hands through his hair, "I went out to get you flowers to say sorry. I booked a table at the restaurant you like and I even booked a room someplace nice. My private jet was ready to go but then I saw you laughing with some guy and I needed to...I felt like I needed to get you back,"

Hana swallowed back her tears, "Why...why didn't you just come into the restaurant?"

"I don't know. Probably because I thought you would just punch me,"

"That goes without saying," Hana said walking over to Namjoon. She poked his cheek, "Are you really getting help?"

Namjoon nodded and closed his eyes, "I am. I realised that if I want to keep you in my life, I can't act like a fucking idiot. I'm just so used to having control and getting what I want. I was told that a relationship doesn't work like that. I'm still learning. I make mistakes...a hell of a lot but I want to try. I want to become the perfect man for you,"

"What do you mean?"

"I want to become the man you read about," Namjoon said looking up at her, "The men in those books are perfect. They are romantic and they know how to treat a woman and-"

"Stop. I never said I wanted a man from a novel," Hana said, "I have never said I want what you think is perfect. I always wanted you. Even with the asshole attitude and controlling nature. I fell in love with you. Not a god damn fictional character,"

"But you always said they are the perfect man,"

"Yes, but not the perfect man for me," Hana said, "Namjoon, despite who you are and what you do, you are the perfect man. But I told you that I can't keep this relationship alive if you aren't willing to do so. I love you Namjoon and I always will, but unless you change, I can't get back with you,"

"I want to work things out," Namjoon said, "I love you and I...I need you,"

Hana shook her head and stepped away, "Try working on your own demons before you try to battle another challenge. Because that is what our relationship was. A challenge,"

"Hana, I-"

There was a knock at the door and Jin came in, "Sorry to disturb you but the doctor is in the medical room. He wants to talk to Hana and give her a checkup,"

"I'll be right there," Hana said and she looked back at Namjoon, "Even though we aren't together, we can't avoid each other. Can we at least be friends?"

Namjoon forced a smile, "Yeah. Friends. Sure. I...I'm ok with that,"

After the checkup, Hana went upstairs and into Jungkook's room. She sighed and went over to help him put on a shirt. He muttered thanks and he frowned at Hana.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I spoke with Namjoon,"

"Did you clear the air?"

Hana nodded, "As much as I possibly could. It feels like he wants to change but I can't be sure until I see it,"

"Namjoon loves you," Jungkook said, "He just has some serious fucking issues that he needs to work on before he drags you down as well,"


"How did it go with the doctor?"

Hana let out a shaky breath and folded her arms, "Um, I'm pregnant,"


"Jungkook?" Hana asked with wide eyes, "Oh god. You passed out!"

Hana dropped to his side and almost squealed when she saw blood seep through his shirt and she quickly ran to open the door.

"Help!" She screamed, "Jungkook needs help!"

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