Chapt. 1

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"Welcome to my world that's painted with sadness
There's no light of sun, there you can't hear any sound at all
Here I'm waiting silently for you, father
Why you were so cruel to left poor Mary alone?"

I silently sing to myself as I am dragged down the street with a collar around my neck and a chain leash attached to it. "Come on." My Master tugs on my leash, having me walk a little faster. 

I am not wearing any shoes, but I'm wearing clothes underneath my cloak. My clothes are nothing like these noblemen are wearing. It's basically a long brown gown. My face is pretty bruised up, so that's why I'm wearing the hood over my head. 

While I was walking, I find myself staring at a basket of apples on the food stand. I stop in my tracks and stare hungrily at the basket full of apples while I feel my collar being pulled on by the leash. 

"What's the matter with you? Let's go." My master glares at me as he tugs on the leash a little harder. 

"Master... Please?" I point to the apples in the food cart. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning. 

"What? You want that?" He looks at the apples then glares back at me. "Tch. You don't need that." He said while scoffing at me. "Let's go." My master tugs on the leash again. I quickly grab an apple from the stand, but I wasn't quick enough to hide the apple inside my cloak. "You little rat!" Master growls and stomps over to me, and I recieve a slap across the face. 

My head faces to the left as I drop the fruit on the ground. I ignore the pain and dove on the ground to grab the apple.

"Drop that right now!" My master shouts and kicks me in the stomach. I grunt hard, making me drop the apple again. "You don't get to disobey me, you drowned rat!" He shouts me again and grabs my collar, lifting me up. He aims a punch to my face and I take this opportunity to fight back. When he is about to hit me, I bite down on his hand hard enough to draw blood. "Ugh!"

I pull away and make a run for it, but I don't get fair since the leash was dragging behind me. I know my master will grab it and yank me back. As I ran, I bump into something hard, making me fall to the ground hard, making me grunt in pain. Did I just hit a wall? 

"Goodness, are you alright, Milady?" My sit up from the ground and look at the voice who was concerned about my wellbeing. I look up to see a man dressed in black with raven black hair and ruby red eyes. "That was quite a fall. Are you injured?" The man holds his hand out for me to take. 

"Thank you..." I take his hand and he gently pulls me up from the ground. Beside him, I notice a blue with navy blue hair, a deep blue eye as the other was covered by an eyepatch, and dressed in fancy clothing. 

'He's a nobleman... They both are.' I think to myself. The small boy is looking at me closely, almost like he's glaring me. "Um-" 

"Jane!" My eyes widen as I hear my master calling for me. The back of my cloak is yanked from behind me and I feel my shoulder being gripped on. "My dear girl, are you alright? You know better than to run off like that. I was so worried." My master frowns, pretending to be concerned. 

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