Chapt. 35

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Tonight the circus was going to perform. I was helping Beast tie her strings on her back. "Thanks again for tying my strings, Star." Beast thanks me when I get done tying them. 

"It's no trouble!" I smile at her. "Good luck in your performance tonight." 

"Thanks." Beast leaves the tent with the other performers. Now, it was just me, Ciel, and the Reaper, William. 

"Jane," Ciel calls to me. "We're going to check the tents. If we go now, we'll be done in 10 minutes. Let's go." Ciel is about to leave, but I grab his hand. 

"Wait, Ciel. I don't think you should go with Sebastian. You might get caught." I warn him.

"What makes you say that?" 

"Joker and the others will always be everywhere since this is their campsite. I think it's best if I go in alone. I'll be fine. And also..." 

"Black!" Joker calls out as he enters in the tent with Wendy on his back and Peter by his side. "Wendy here twisted her ankle. The show has already started so I need you to take her place." 

"Are you sure I am the right substitute?" Sebastian asks. 

"After I've seen what you can do, you'll do perfectly. Get dressed up and be quick about it. I'm  counting on you!" With that said, Joker, Peter, and Wendy left. 

"That's why." I finish my sentence. I knew something like that was going to happen. "Ciel, it would be best if you stay put while I go ahead and search, okay?" 

"But, what about the snakes?" Ciel asks. 

"I'll handle the snakes." I smile at him. "I'll be fine. Make yourself noticeable to make it look like you're not up to anything. I'll be okay." I take Ciel's hands into mine before running off. 

"Jane, wait!" 

The first tent I go to is Beast to find any evidence or clues about the missing children. I found a photo of Beast and the others before they had joined the circus, so it seemed. Behind them showed a sign that said 'Workhouse'. 

"Workhouse? Is that an orphanage? Where have I seen that before? It looks awfully familiar." I tell myself. I can worry about that later. Onto the next tent. 

The next tent I go to is Joker's. He had the same photo as Beast had back in her tent. As I continued to snoop around, I saw a letter sticking out from underneath Joker's bed. 

I kneel down and take the letter, than open it. My eyes widen when I see the photo of the Black Market building I came from and at the side had my picture when I was locked in one of the cages. It even had my name on the back of the photo and a file of my previous master's and different costs I was worth buying. 

'They're affiliated with the black market?! Why is my photo here!? When was that photo taken!?' My mind races. "What's this?" I see the words that read: 'Set her free'. What does that mean? Were they planning on buying me? 


"No wonder you looked a bit out of the ordinary from last night. Your clothes, I mean." He knew from the beginning. He knows I've been passed around and with the excuse I gave him, I just gave myself away! 

My entire story and file is here! He knows who I am, yet I gave him a fake name! He's pretending not to know who I really am! 

This is bad! Really bad! 

"Hmm?" I look at the letter under his bed and my eyes widen again. It had Ciel's name and history, including his parents! They're after him, too! I have to tell Ciel!

I sneak out of Joker's tent and go back to my own as quickly as possible without being seen. But, I run into Joker. "Woah there, lass! What's the rush?" He smiles at me when he catches me in his arms. "You look like you've seen a ghost. Is everything alright with ya?" 

"Y-Yes." I force a smile on my face. "I was looking for Black or Smile. I kind of got lost while I was looking for them." 

"Ah, well I think Black ran off somewhere after his performance with Suit. And I haven't seen Smile anywhere, nor Doll." Joker scratches the back of his head. "Did you need something from them, lass?" 

"No. I guess not. I should be getting to bed. The performance is over, right?" 

"It sure is. Be sure to grab some dinner to fill your belly up before you go to bed. Also, be sure to stay warm. It gets cold at night, ya hear?" 

"Yes. Thank you. Goodnight, Joker." 

"Goodnight, lass." Joker smiles at me and walks off. I sigh in relief when he's out of sight. That was close. I should go look for Ciel! 

"I'll go get some ice!" I hear Doll say as she runs out of the medical tent. Peeking inside, I see Ciel lying in bed with his face red. 

"Smile!" I run inside the tent. "What happened to him!? Is he alright?!" I ask the Doctor. 

"Star!" The Doctor is surprised. "Smile had an asthma attack. Has he had asthma before?" He asks me. 

"I don't know." I shake my head. "Sorry..." 

"Aunt An..." Ciel mutters. Aunt An? Who's that? Oh, Ciel...

"He's...going to be okay, right?" I look at the doctor. 

"We don't know. People can die from asthma. It's best if we keep a watch at him. You should head to bed, Star. Black will be here with me and so well Doll. So you don't have to worry too much." 

"I would like to stay with Smile too, please. I do wish to leave his side!" I step closer to the doctor, worried out of my mind for Ciel. I don't want Ciel to die...! 

"Look at you. So kind-hearted and deeply caring. It's going to be okay, Star." The doctor gently places his hand on my head. "I have all the help I need here. Please, go to bed. I'm sure he'll be alright by the morning, all right?" 

"If you say so..." I nod my head and look at Ciel. I place my hand on his forehead and lean close to his ear as I whisper, "Please be okay, Ciel..." After that, I leave the medical tent and go to my own to get some sleep. 


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