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"Believe me, I'm fine. It's only a little cut, nothing more." I lied. The only response I got was a glare from Ms. Romanoff. I turned around to walk out of the room, not wanting to see their angry faces anymore. I knew it, I screwed up, I thought. I got ripped out of my thoughts by a hand pulling back my shoulder. It was Mr. Rogers.

"Son please, let us help you." I pulled back my arm with force and shook my head. "N-no.." the tears were welling up in my eyes. Placing a hand on my shoulder, Mr. Rogers kneeled down to my level. "Why not?" He asked in a gentle voice. I wasn't sure if he was kind or if he was just pretending to so he could gain my trust. That has happened to me before, and I won't let it happen again. Those people are monsters, they are taking adventage of someone else's pain. Since some incidents with those kind of people I trusted no one. 
No one. 

"I don't want you to pity me. I'm not a child anymore. I can take care of myself." The way I said it made me look like a child, but I didn't care. I just stared at my feet in shame, I didn´t want to see the dissapoint on their faces.

"I am only going to give you stitches and clean up the wound. I need to make sure you won't get an infection." Bruce said. In shame a stared at the suddenly very interesting floor. I didn't want to be rude, but I also didn't want them to find out I'm Spider-Man. What if they recognise the wound? They have been trying to capture me for months, so why would they stop if they found out Spider-Man was a teenager? I don't think that would matter, in their eyes I'm still a threat.

I was too deep in my thoughts that I hadn't realised that Mr. Barnes was lifting me off of the ground. His metal arm was wrapped around my back, his fingers under my t-shirt. It felt cold and gave me goosebumps all over my body.  The exhaustion took over my feelings and body, I was too tired to do anything about him carrying me around. Laying my head on his shoulder and neck, I let the sleep take me to the world of dreams.

The boy, Peter, seemed in some kind of trance. He was just staring into the depth of nothingness while shaking on his skinny legs. I saw my chance and picked him up. The first thing I realized was that he was extremely light. He weighed probably only half of what a normal teenager was supposed to. I gave a worried look at the rest of the team, who looked at Peter in pity.

While I was carrying him to the med bay, he fell asleep in my arms. Rubbing a hand in circles over his back I felt something. Something warm. I knew I had to protect him, I would kill whoever hurt him.

Trying not to smile or admit that I feel love for this kid I walked to the medbay and put him down on the bed. I walked away so Bruce could do his work. At first he checked if Peter was really asleep and that he hadn't passed out. Once he figured out that he was really asleep he looked at the injured leg. There was a deep cut which seemed to go straight through his flesh.

"My god." Tony murmured under his breath. "How the hell did this happen to such an innocent child?" I asked without taking my eyes off of the child. In his sleep he was so tiny, peaceful, vunerable.. "Are you okay Buck?" Steve asked placing a hand on my shoulder. I just nodded in confusion. "Yeah, why?" "Well, you looked like you would kill half of New York to find the person who did this." Sam reasoned.

"Who wouldn't?" Natasha asked with a death glare to the wall. I didn't know if she was trying to kill the wall or if she was trying to win a staring contest with a fly. The only thing I did know, that glare was scary.

I looked around the room. Tony, Steve and Clint were just looking at the injured boy in pity. Pietro was comforting Wanda by rubbing circles on her back an whispering comforting words. Sam was trying to explain to Thor that a teenager is older than a toddler, but he didn't seem to get it. Natasha and I gave the same look; we were going to find the one who did this.

Team Stark 《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now