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I slowly opened my eyes, letting the bright light of the room overwhelm me. I squeezed my eyes shut again as it began to burn and groaned softly. "Friday, lower the brightness to thirty percent please." A voice I could recognise everywhere said. A small grin plastered itself on my face when I realized who it was that was sitting next to me.

"Hey kid." He said. I opened my eyes again, this time not having trouble with the lights. The grin turned into a smile when I looked the person in his eyes. "Hey Tony." My voice was small and raspy. Tony grabbed my hand and squeezed it, tears welling up in his eyes. "Why are you crying?" I asked. He wiped away his tears with his free hand as he chuckled. "I'm just very proud of you."

"Why?" His eyes grew wider when I said that. "Why? Because you defeated the Green Goblin on your own! Without superpowers, without a suit, no fighting skills. You should be very proud of yourself, even though you almost got killed." I smiled and squeezed his hand more tightly. "Thank you."

At that point I turned my head to look through the room. All of the walls were white, and I was attached to a few machines. The medical bay, I thought. My head hurt too much to look at my injuries, so I decided to ask for them, ignoring how embarrassed I was by doing so. "What are my injuries?"

"You've got a broken leg, third degree burns on your forearms, a light concussion and bruises all over your back. You placed your shoulder back in its place well, but it will hurt for quite a while. And of course you'll be weak after the electrocution." I nodded understandably and held up my arms to look at the bandages. The rest if my body hurt so bad, that I forgot about these.

"It's really a miracle that you're alive.." Tony whispered, mostly directed to himself than me. I smiled and closed my eyes again out of exhaustion. "You can't kill me that easily." I whispered back. No, but really, you can't. Other villains have tried, but I heal faster, so killing is a bit harder.

The darkness took over my sight again, drifting me into a deep sleep.


Peter fell asleep. His chest moved up and down in a regular rhythm and his heart rate seemed okay, so I figured I could get some sleep as well. I closed my eyes, and it felt like only five minutes before I woke up to someone breathing heavily.

I shot my eyes open and saw Peter curled up in a ball, crying for help. "No... Harry please... don't kill them." He cried. I shook his shoulder to waje him up, but he was too far into his sleep. "They are all I have left.... please... kill me instead... not Tony... not them.." The crying turned to sobbing. I let go of him when I realized what he was saying. He wanted to die for us? For me?

I shook his arm again and called out his name a few times before he shot up, crying. I pulled him in a tight hug and grabbed his head with my hands. "It's okay, you're okay. He won't kill us, I promise. He's locked away, everything is okay.." I whispered in his ear. He sobbed in my shirt and grabbed me more tightly. "He wanted to kill you, all of you... I don't want you to die.." he cried.

Kissing his head gently, I rubbed circles on his back. "We're not going to die, bot today, I promise."
"Not ever." He responded while crying. I chuckled lightly and let go of him. "That is a bit hard, kid. We are all going to die some day, just not soon."
"Promise?" He looked up to me with his big, brown eyes. I nodded. "I promise."

I stood up and walked out of the room after tugging Peter in. "Just try to get some more sleep okay? I'll be right in the room next to you if something is wrong. Friday, alert me when something is wrong."
"Of course Big Boss." Friday answered. I nodded at Peter to see if he was okay with it. He nodded back and closed his eyes again.

I sighed as I walked towards the common rooms. Well, stumbled. After the building collapsed I managed to get out, but not unharmed. The weight of the building gave me three broken ribs and a bruised ankle. Luckily Peter didn't see it, or else he wouldn't sleep for the rest of the day. I sighed as I placed my body weight against the wall,  grabbing my ribs with a slight wince.

Stephen walked towards me with a worried look on his face. "Tony, it's not good that you're walking with that. It could fracture your lungs. You should rest and-" I cut him off with a hand sign in the air. "Sorry doc, not today. I need to do something really important. Besides, it's not that bad. I can barely feel it." He sighed in defeat and placed his arms over one another. "I know you're lying, but I'll let it go. This time."

The tone in his voice was very mother-like, making me laugh a little. I walked to the kitchen counter and sat down on a chair. All of the things I needed were already there, I only had to find the guts to ask the rest of the team. Because, what if they didn't want to adopt Peter?

At first I wanted to be the legal guardian, but the role of being a father is too much for me. It needs too many things I don't have, and when I saw how well Peter was with the rest of the team, I knew they would be the perfect family for him. That we would be the perfect family of imperfect people. Together, we could give him all the love and attention he needs every day. Because that is the only thing he needs; love.

"What is the important thing you need to do?" Stephen asked after he placed a kiss on my cheek and sat down as well. "I... uh.. I need to sort some things out." I looked up at him. "But for that I need the rest of the team."

Oh yeah, the fluff is about to begin!

I have a lot of ideas, but they don't fit in any of the books I'm writing lol
So I've been thinking if I should begin another story, but I think that's too much responsibility for me, since these two are already pretty hard to kedp up with.


Shizzle Dizzle!
~Toilet Paper

Team Stark 《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now