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I woke up from a sound in the room. I couldn't get myself to open my eyes so I decided to lay down a little longer. Last night the Avengers were able to convince me to stay over for the night. The good part is that, for the first time in almost a year, I've had a good night's sleep.

I opened my eyes and jumped at the sight in front of me. In the corner of the room stood a person. I immediately jumped up and got into a fight position, not realising the consequences of my actions. "Whoa! Slow down babyface." The person said. The voice was all too familiar, even though I know them for only a day.

"Oh, I'm sorry Miss. Romanoff, but you scared me." I got out of my position and ruffeled my hands through my hair, making them even more messy. "It's alright kid." She walked away and motioned for me to follow. I put on a old sweater and rushed after her. After a bit of walking in silence I stopped her. She turned around to face me and held her eyebrows up, waiting for me to say something.

"Why were you actually watching me sleep? Because it is kind of scary." I asked, unsure about her answer.  She chuckled and walked further.

"After your nightmare last night we were all worried, so we took shifts to look over you while you were sleeping, so we could calm you down when you had another nightmare. Oh and believe me, I was just minding my own stuff while looking over you. With Bucky, it was a different story. He didn't stop staring and when Bruce came in to take it over from him, he couldn't even been dragged out of the room. It is a wonder that you didn't wake up when Steve, Tony and I came in to help Bruce get him away."

I widened my eyes unbelievably. The thing that scared me the most was my spidersense not warning me about them. Maybe it took a break and relaxed during the first good night's sleep.

We went all the way down to the kitchen. These hallways are immense, it seems like they never end. But that's probably something everyone experiences during their first days here. I sat down on an empty chair and put my head in my hands. I had slept a lot of hours, but I was still tired. I heard a chuckle coming from the corner of the room.

I looked up and saw Mr. Stark sitting on the other side of the table. I smiled a sleepy smile and gave a short wave with my fingers. "Good morning Mr. Stark." I said, still not aware of all the other Avengers sitting on the couch. "Morning? A little too late for that kid." Mr. Barton said while laughing. My eyes shot up and I looked at him.

"What time is it then?" Mr. Rogers looked at his watch. "2 PM." My mouth fell open. This was the longest sleep I had ever had since Ben's death. Miss. Romanoff just grinned and put a bowl of cereal in front of me. I thanked her with a smile and began eating.

"Did you sleep well?" Mr. Barnes asked when he sad down next to me. I gave him a toothed smile. "I guess you already know that, you have been watching me all night. Well, more like staring. It is kind of creepy." A bit of chuckling was heard from the other side of the room.

"You are the first one to make him so soft since 1945." Mr. Rogers smiled. He looked proud of me, I only have no idea why. The warm feeling takes over my body again. I shake it off and look at Mr. Barnes, my cheeks turning red. He smiled at me and gave everyone in the room a glare. "Yes, you are. And if anything happens with you I will kill everyone in this room and then myself."

"Bold of you to think you're fast enough to catch me."

"Bold of you to think you're the only one."

"Bold of you to think I want to live."

"Tony, we've talked about this."

After ten minutes I finished my cereal and stood up, placing my bowl in the sink. "Do you have a gym here?" I asked. Dr. Strange nodded. "Yes, we have three, actually. Why do you want to know?" I shrugged my shoulders in response, not knowing the answer myself either. I looked at my hands. "I don't know, I want to get my mind off some things, I guess."

"Well, have fun kid, don't destroy the punching bags please, I have to replace them every other day." I lauged. "I will be careful, I promise." With that I walked away, reminding myself to hold myself in, or else I could reveal my secret.

Oh! I almost forgot, I got the ships for this story! If you want another ship that isn't involved and isn't with the characters that are already used feel free to ask!

The ships are: *drum roll*



Scarlett Widow!


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