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"Here, you're a growing boy."

I sat in my chair, my hand almost reaching for the beer in Anthony's hand. Some part of me wanted to drink my first beer with this man, since it felt very right with him, but another part told me he wasn't the one I should drink with. That part told me that person was waiting for me, searching for me and praying for me. It said that the right person was miles away and not here, not in the reach of my hand to touch the bottle he was holding.

"Anthony!" A women yelled. The beer in Anthony's hand was gone within a second, since the man hid it behind his back in what seemed like fear. "What is it darling?" He asked with a voice that gave his guilt away almost immediately. I had to try my best not to laugh at the fact that he was almost as bad at lying as I was. Hey, keep the almost in mind, nobody is worse in lying than I am.

Suzy came walking towards us and grabbed the beer bottle from Anthony's hand while giving him a slap on the head with a towel. "The kid is underage! You're not going to give him alcohol!" The man in front of me held up his hands in defense and backed away in his chair. "Okay, I promise not to give him beer." He murmured. Suzy raised her eyebrows and placed her arms over one another. "And?" Anthony sighed. "And no other drinks woth alcohol in it."

I was trying not to laugh, but at some point I couldn't hold myself in anymore. A childish chuckle escaped my mouth and a few more followed. When I saw the two adults look at me with a little smile on their faces, I stopped laughing and placed a hand on my mouth. "Why does everyone look like that when I laugh?" They chuckled and tried to hide their smiles. "Because you sound so much younger when you laugh, it's like I want to wrap you in a blanket and squeeze you."

I stood up, trying to to flinch at the pain in my leg. "I'm not a child anymore." I said. "No, but you are hurt, so sit down." Anthony demanded, pushing me back in the chair. I held up my hands. "Okay, I'll sit down, please don't kill me." I joked. They chuckled and left the porch to go inside their wooden house. When I finally had rest with no one pushing me to drink a beer or to help bandage my wounds. I closed my eyes for a split second and let out a deep breath, letting my mind and muscles relax.

When I opened my eyes for what seemed two seconds later, the sky had turned into a deep blue colour and the first stars were starting to shine. Have I slept? For how long? I closed my eyes for like two seconds! As I was wondering what else in my life was a lie, I caught myself fiddling with a soft fabric. I looked down and saw a blanket that lay over my legs. I smiled a bit and pulled it up to my chest. A few soft but fast footsteps made me turn around.

On the other end of the porch stood Flynn with a bowl in hand and a smile on his face. "Hey Flynn, what do you have there?" I asked. I realized that my leg didn't hurt as much as before when I moved it by sitting up straighter. A little smile formed itself on my face. Flynn walked towards me and handed me the bowl. "Mom made some extra for you. It's still hot." I looked in the bowl and saw freshly made soup and a spoon. "She told me to give it to you as soon as you woke up, since she wanted to give you rest."

"Tell her that I'm very grateful for her kindness and her warm welcome." I smiled, putting a spoonful of soup in my mouth. When I had the first bit sliding through my throat, I realized I hadn't eaten since the morning before Harry gave me a visit. Before I knew it, the bowl was empty. Letting the spoon clatter against the stone of the still warm bowl, I let out a deep sigh of relief, not knowing if I had ever felt more heartwarmed by someone's talent in the kitchen.

Flynn chuckled slightly when he saw how quickly I ate the whole thing. "A big appetite I see?" He asked. I wondered how he was so mature for his age, but then I remembered I had to grow up too fast as well and under very unpleasent circumstances, so I figured he might also have experienced something that made him skip or lose a part of his childhood. I smiled gently at him, not knowing what else to say.

Team Stark 《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now