memory's of you

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Jack's P.o.v

After a year of thinking i knew what my life was before i died i was happy and sad. i knew what my past was like, but the sad part is, is what my past was.

But now they tell me i went dark, now they tell me something happened and i dont remember what it is, but one thing helps me.

The wind blows in my ear on this cold winter night but hey the cold nevered bothered me. The sky is so dark i can barely see, but the glow of the street lights help me on my quest.

After exploring (and sneaking in which wasnt hard) to the smithsonian a few days ago, i saw a painting that made me think. It was a painting of the most beautiful girl i had rver seen.

I knew her, i just didnt know who she was or she came from. I cant even remeber what her name was.

I had talked to the gaurdians after and asked them if they knew my past cuse they can keep an eye on other gaurdians or spirits. They said they were afraid to tell me but for almost two decades i went silent.

Then i just woke up they didnt know what happened. they said the last time they had seen my immortal light was when i was in arendalle.

Thats where she is from and i am sure or it.

I sneak inside again no one is here exept security but they won't be hard to get past since i am invisible. I follow a security guard who is here  for his shift into the building i walk past him into the main security entrance. When i get inside i walk to the art section painting. Painting. painting. Ah there she is.

The girl with the platinum blond hair and saphire eyes.

When i see her now it comes back to me alot of it in order. My memory of elsa.

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