Starting over

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Jack's P.o.v

(Century's ago)

I was flying around over the ocean. Its summer time and just because i love the cold doesnt mean i cant enjoy the hot sun.

Wait let me start over. I am jack frost. The spirit of winter. Almost 5 decades ago i awoke i came out of nowhere. Unless you either are a guardian or a spirit or you believe in me you cant see me, here me or feel me. I have been alone since the day i awakened.

The only people to talk to are guardians or spirits and they arent half the fun human children are. But they don't believe in me.

I whip through the air passing kingdoms in seconds. I fly over the ocean passing by islands when i see one in particular that catches my eye. A kingdom in the middle of the day in mid summer has snow falling lightly right over the palace but yet everything else is bright and sunny and warm.

Curiosity takes over me i dive down towards the ocean and then lift off on up just hover above the water running my fingers through it as i trail along.

As i approach the kingdom i start to creep along just in case someone here believes in me i don't want to be spotted.

I go up to the castle gates outside i see villagers skating on ice as little snowflakes flutter down from the sky. I look around at all the people they are happy. But this is impossible, you cant just make snow fall in one certain area.

What confuses me even more is a magical talking snowman ice skating!


Someone must he control this miny winter someone must have powers just like me.

But who?

I look around at all the people inside i see a man with a raindeer skating, i see a servants and butlers, and finally i see a girl with redish hair being pulled along the ice by a..............!

My eyes get lost into the mysterious figure. A woman with white-ish hair and bright blue eyes pulling around the red haired girl. The woman is wearing a crystal blue dress and keeps creating spiralling ice swirlish patterns alingthe ground that she glides on.

This must be who it is. This must be who is creating all this. She smiles brightly at the red head and stops in her tracks to create a show of snow for the villagers who aww at her powers.

She is amazing. One of the servants adresses her and she nods walking off into the castle. I zoon through the gates until i reach the palce door she is about to enter.

I sneak behind her as two servants open the door she walks through and i squeeze through as they immediatly close it.

I am embraced in a large warm room with stair cases everywhere and more halls than yoh could count.

She walks up a flight of stairs that lies in front of her i fly behind her, and after realizing how long its going to take to get up the stairs i get bored and start to fool around. I fly past her and then sit in the railing and whip down so i just pass her.

after o get off the stairs i relize she has stopped. She turns around she walks down so she is only inches front me.

"Cold, its cold. The cold doesnt bother but its cold." She says curiously.

Excitment rises inside of me no one has ever noticed how cold my presence is before the guardians say its because they dont believe in me. does she believe in me? I mean not fully but just the slightest bit does she?

She streches out her finger tips hope rises inside of me if she is able to touch me i will know someone believes in me. But its not he fates will fight againstme and be cruel.

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