for fun and freedom

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Elsa's P.o.v

These people, the guardians take me to a large castle-ish thing.

I see tiny men baking cookies pouring glasses of milk and wrapping and making toys.

"What is this place." I ask softly to the boy with white hair. He looks over at me and see me mystified, he smiles slightly.

"This is the north pole, or more specifically santa's workshop."


"Ah the old fat guy in the red trench coat."

"Why does he have a workshop is he a blacksmith."

"Uh no he is a guardian he protects children he is very famous he brings presents to little children once every year. He is a magical being so you only see him if you believe in him or if you are another gaurdian of spirit."

"How did i see him i didnt believe in him because i didnt know who he was."

"You are a magical being now to. Magical beings can see each other as it is. I was umm... with someone once and these trolls told me they qould have seen me wether i was mortal or not."

"Magical beings immortal then."


"Then why did you say the trolls would have seen you wether you were mortal or not."

"Long story.... wait trolls, trolls."he looks like he had just figured out the biggest puzzle ever created.

They huddle into a circle and whisper the only thing i hear is.

"Tooth can you check one more time i dont want to go all the way there if you have her memory's." That catches my attention.

Her are they talking about me. Memorys if its me i could have my memories back.

I dont remember anything but knowledge i know how life works and i know school stuff but beyond that i know nothing.

I dont know who i was but i kow we dont just pop out of the ice one day as a full grown adult.

Maybe they can help.

"Im on it jack." The feathered lady says and fly's out the window moving at top speed.

They break apart. There is an awkward silence. Moments later the feathered lady flies back in.

"Nothing i told you i remember he childhood she kept consealed witch made it hard for me to do that sort of thing."

"Well its dusk and sandy here is fast asleep and working with the dreams of children and tooth will be extremely behind if she doesnt move now so me and bunny will accompany you in your quest but they must go." Santa says.

"Right." The white haired boy which i figure to now be jack says

They lead me out to a big red slay with reindeer out front one has a very big red nose it reminds me of sven and kristoff.

Wait who's sven and kristoff.

Maybe they are someone from my past.  Yes i see a very faint inage of them i see antlers and blond hair but the rest is blurry in my memory.

When we all get on the slay north whips the ropes up and down and the reindeer take off.

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