seeing her there

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Jack's P.o.v

She runs down the steps and i chase after her. Elsa had told anna last night she and i were gonna have fun today. Anna obviously said yes because she thought me and elsa were meant to be together and was willing to go to great lengths to accomplish that.

I beat elsa down the stairs and she heaves out great sigh meaning it tired her out. I chuckle under my breath and she looks at me with wide eyes.

"Whats so funny." She says putting her hande on her hips.

"Nothing, your just tired from that run." She shakes her head and we walk to the front door.

Once outside she looks at me expectantly and i laugh at what im about to do next and what her reaction might be.

I hoist her up and fly off into the sky

she wraps her arms around my neck and squeaks a little under her breath. He closes her eyes and barrys her face in my chest and i rest my head on her shoulder.

Once we arrive at our location i float down gently and shake her a bit to let her know its okay. She steps down hesitantly and looks out at what i have planned.

She steps closer her feet in the water.

We stand in front of the ocean.

I wanted to spend sometime just me and her at the beach. Go swimming a bit. Everyone seemed to be busy at work and this particular beach was to far to get to so i figured no one would be here. I was right

The sand goes almost twenty feet back before we see grass and the water is crystal blue this beach is gorgeous and she looks at me with an almost worried look.

"What are we doing here." She asks

" I thought we could swim a bit and enjoy summer." I say.

"And how are we gonna swim in our clothes." She asks pointing to her ice dress.

"I brought swim outfits."i say taking them out from behind my cloak

"And how do you prepose we change into them." She asks i almost have a response but then i relize i didnt think of that.

"I dont know."

"Alright why don't you take us back to the castle we can get changed there." She suggest i nod and pick her back up.





I got changed a few mintues ago but elsa is still changing i stand outside the door to her room and when the doorknob turns i look over,

She comes out wearing a blue two piece swim outfit.

Her hair lays on one shoulder in its usual braid. She looks magnifacent.

"Oh ummm you look, you look..... are you ready to go." Is all i manage to say.

"Yeah lets go."





She plants her feet on the ground. She doesnt move i run up to the water and splash in. diving and twirling and everytime i come up for air i see her laughing at me.

"Hey you coming in." I ask. the water in my hair drips down my face.

"Umm no i think I'll pass." Her voice saddens and she sits down in the sand just rubbing her feet back and forth.

I walk up to the sand and sit beside her getting sand stuck in ti my butt.

"Whats wrong." I ask.

"Water thats how my parents died they died on a trip to some wedding or something of some cousins of mine. There was a terrible storm on the way. The ship sank and they drowned." She says shifting slightly when she says drowned.

"So your afraid that you could drowned thats why you dont want to swim." I ask putting the peices together.

"Yeah." She whispers

"Well elsa you know im right here i will protect you as long as you keep believing." I say moving closer to her.

"I will never stop believing. "

"Wonderful now please come swim with me it wont be fun without you." I say poking her cheek

"Alright. But please make sure i dont drowned." She says pointing a finger at me.

"If i let you drowned i dont know what i would do." I say.

She runs and jumps into the water and i chase after her. When we both resurface for air, I splash her in the face and dive into the water so she cant return the favor. She dives down after me and i keep going deeper and deeper looking at all the under water life.

When i am losing oxegyn and am about to go back up for air i feel a tug a tug at my ankle i turn around and see elsa.

Struggeling for breath she keeps squirming around i look down to find the problem.

My heart stops.

Her foot is caught on sea weed.

I swim down towards her im losing oxegun and so is she. I try to cut the sea weed but can hardly focus as my breath is being shortened.

I have a plan. i flout to the top take a big gasp of air and go back down i look her in the eyes and try and use my arms to say relax.

I press my lips against her and her eyes looked shocked but she knows what im doing.

She opens her mouth and i open mine breathing out. She reseales some of the air and i let go she smiles a bit i go down and start to work on the sea weed. When im done she starts to push towards the surface and i follow.

When I feel air reach my lungs, i am tackled in an embrace that almost pulls me under but i manage to keep us both a float.

"Jack you saved me, thank you so much."

"Its not problem." I feel how scared she was. I was scared to.







The rest of the day we spent swimming, and towards the end we just lied on the beach. Now we are back in the water just swimming

"Jack... thank you for all this i needed it. To have a bit of fun." She says. I look at her eyes they are glowing blue. I think its the reflection of the sun off them that make them shine so much.

"It was no problem at all." I say. We are at standing height in the water. I am only a few inches taller than her.

I move a little closer as she does the same.

This can't happen not yet i step further toward shore.

"Would you like me to take you back now. " i ask.

"Uhhhh, oh yeah, yes please i need to get home anna is probably so mad right now."

"Naw, anna's fine she can handle it,she is a big girl dont worry she is probably sitting in your desk with things all under control."

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