problems melting away

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I couldn't have been more wrong. We walk into elsa's office and anna is freaking out yelling a comand to one person while other shout questions of what to do at her. She turns in our direction and knocks a man on the face and he falls back and knocks a flower pot off the shelfs and almost knocking down the shelf.

"Elsa." A look of relief forms on anna's face as she sighs and runs over to elsa knocking more people over in her wake.

"Anna what in the... what is going on right now."

"Well i started doing your paper work which you have to much of and then some maids and butlers came in and started to talk about outfits and decor for our next ball which is tonight. then some of our officials who deal with trades and boring stuff came and then they all talked to me and it was all piling up. Now i know why you went on your vacation with jack_ummmmm i mean you took you vacation because of stress." Anna says giving elsa a bug wink because no one else knows i exsist.

"Oh anna." Elsa says shaking her head.

"Anna choose our outfits and decor with the maids for the ball . Governor our trading partners will stay the same and remember we are no longer trading with weaseltown....i mean wesseltown and we will continue trade with the southern isles but will make little to no contact and we refuse to take part in any battle they partake in. i shall finish the papers which have lowered in numbers thank you to anna." Elsa takes charge and everyone follows comands.

Everyone leaves except me. I smile at her she sighs and sits down on her chair and begins righting letters and signing papers. I grab an extra chair and move it next to hers and sit down.

We sit there for almost an hour before she finishes.

"You done finally." I ask.

"Yep." She says popping the P

"So much for your day off." i say slouching in my seat.

"Oh jack it wasn't your fault, and i had fun when i didnt almost drown." She says laughing and biting her lip. She rubs my shoulder and i chuckle a little bit.

She looks at some of the papers. And her face drops.

"Whats wrong?" i ask.

"Oh jack if i don't get married someone from one of the allied countries will come and take over arendalle. It's a law that a queen must be married in order to rule." She sighs looking at me sadly. My heart sinks

"Well..well.... maybe you can get rid of the law you are the queen."

"Yes but im not married i dont have the power to start eliminating laws."

"Well then marry someone for love not for royalty. There is no law that state you have to marry a prince."

"Yes acctually there is a law that says that but lets pretend for a moment there wasnt, only person i could think of marrying probably wouldn't want to marry me." She says.

"Oh please, your pretty, smart, kind, confident, fun, and beautiful what guy wouldnt want to marry you." I say trying to hide any evidence of my feelings.

"You really think so."

"Yeah in fact any guy you like would probably think he is the luckiest guy in the whole world."

"Really. Your not lying just to boost my confidence are you."

"Have i lied to you." I say smirking.

"No i guess not. Alright jack can i tell you who it is, and no matter who it is, it wont change our friendship." My heart sinks really i want to say no because i dont want to here who she likes, when im sitting here just her friend.

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