arrendale holds the key to your heart.

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Jack's P.o.v

We land close to where i had first met the trolls. They were huge rocks that started rolling. Both the trolls and anna had tried to break out in song the fact that she knew the song must me she remembers feom past experience.

I look at elsa as her foot touches the ground.

She has the determibed look on her face as she forefully closes her eyes and opens them, as if she is trying to remember.

Bunny, Northm and Elsa look expectantly at me and i start to walk. Things have changed over the past few centuries.

There are houses electricity streets cars. It seems like every other place in the world. I look around and see a forest i head towards it hoping for the best.

As we walk closer to the familiar minny rock dace where the rocks live i see giant pebbles/miny boulders just lying on the ground.

I walk over and say. "Pabbie if your here right now i need your help, its me jack frost i turned mortal along time ago i was friends with kristoff and anna and well.... i died. But then i came back to life. With elsa still dead. But she came back and she doesnt remember anything. Maybe you could help her."

Elsa looks at me weirdly but starts having that determined look on her face this time trying to solve pieces of the puzzle. Bunny and north just looked scared im not suprised im talking to rocks.

The rocks starting moving and the two jump but elsa just looks shocked and bewildered.

"Jackson. It has been a while i see you got our gift." Pabbie says pointing to elsa who jumps at this.

"Exuse me." I say.

"Jack we are love experts when we found out the two of you died but you came back to life we knew some day you would remember and you would want her back. But you were stuck being immortal this time you couldn't thaw with true love as your true loves were gone. Both your sister and your wife." The woman says.

"We had a plan it took years of talking to manny but we softened him up instead of letting you join her, she would join you.  She did save her sister at the cost of her own happiness." The Deep voiced man rock says.

The woman turns to elsa. "Do you want to build a snowman." The woman says and elsa mummbles something to herself and collapsed.

A few trolls catch her and roll away including the woman.

"He said you could return with her the day you remembered her we figured she would remember you but i suppose manny had his own plans."

"So all i had to do was remember."

"Yes and we thought it would be best if you knew about your first life before you remember her so after you got your first lifes memory back we needed something to trigure your memory of her, we planned for months. Then finally we found the picture of her at the museum and sent that panflet your way.  That day you went to to the museum and you saw her and everything was fixed." Deep voice finished. I gasp and start laughing with joy and hugging as many trolls as i can while bunny still stares in bewilderment at the trolls

"We are glad you like it, it took a lot of preperation." The woman says walking back with elsa wobbling.

She looks up at me. "Jack." I nod my head unsure.

"Jack. Oh jack i remember." She says laughing and running over to me and giving me a hug.

"how was anna and kristoff after we...... ya know." She asks.

"They were fine they had three kids two strapping boys like kristoff, and one beautiful girl like anna, of coarse all of their kids were a little hyper and weird. Thats what happens when both of your parents are like that though. Kristoff was always there for her protecting her and was a wonderful husband. She did have those awkward girl moments where she would start yelling at him for no reason and getting mad and he would just laugh and say yes dear and do whatever she asked. And she was a magnificent queen almost as good as you my dear." The woman says touching elsa's cheek.

Elsa's face saddens a bit but gives a slight smile. "I cant believe i missed the birth of my only niece and nephews i never thought that day would come where i wouldnt even see my family grow up. But im glad kristoff was able to bear those moments with anna i was always a little annoyed by it, and i bet she was a wonderful queen. what happened to olaf and sven."

"Well olaf started melting when you died because you powers went away, anna and kristoff tried to bring him to a cold environment so he could survive they told him he would visit but he denied. He said his time had come he said life wouldnt be the sane if he had to wake up every morning to a world without you and jack. And sven he lived to anna and kristoff at the age of 60. He lived a good long life you shouldn't worry about either of them and even though you can bring olaf to life don't. he wouldnt want to live without sven kristoff and anna either."

"Yeah olaf was always good like that. And how was my cousin rapunzel and her family." Elsa asks.

Elsa's P.o.v

"They were fine, everyone wrote there story you need to write your own." She says as she places my hand in jacks. I look up at him and he smiles.

"Well what do we do now." Bunny asks.

"Well elsa has control of her powers, she is immortal and a guardian and technically my wife so we have eternity to go roam the world spreading ice, snow and joy to the children."

Jack's P.o.v

She smiles at me "sounds good to me." She says as we walk to the sled. Bunny and north get on elsa is about to when i grab her waist and pull her close to me.

"Wind.... take me home." The wind picks us up and she starts laughing i laugh along she waves to north and bunny as they smile and shake their heads and whip off into the sky.

I dont know where im going but I'll know where i want to be when i get there.

As long as im with her ill be happy but i have to find a place to call my own with her it will be our gaurdian place just like how the rest of them have one. But i have forever to figure it out, live happily with elsa and be mishevious.

I lost a lot, and forgot most of my life. But through all that sadness there is no greater feeling than getting one person you love more than the world beside you after all the pain ends.

And no one can ever take that away again. No one.

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