(not so)brief backstory

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Ruby's POV

I am Ruby, and my situation has never been positive to say the least. To help ME and others keep it all straight I like to put my life into stages in chronological order, this sounds stupoid but it is WICKED helpful. 

Stage one: Grams and Gramps- birth to age 5

When I was born my family was not in a good situation. My mother had not meant to get pregnant and my father was unemployed so yeah great start to a family. My dad to "cope" with his problem started drinking and using other things to make himself happy. He was typically never sober. So when I was born my parents decided that I should go live with my Grams and Gramps until they could sort out there situation. Well, that worked splendidly until my Gramps died in an accident and Grams was to devastated to take care of me. They decided to place me in foster care, due to the fact that my parents weren't doing great(my mother had also started drinking and other things in the like).

Stage 2: The Orfeo's- age 5 to age 8

Then at age 5 I was placed in a family called the Orfeo's  care. They were a really nice family and they had to kids: Lucas and Mia. They were amazing they also had a next door neighbor named Sam. Sam was the best. The four of us were inseparable. But unfortunately the Orfeos fell on tight money times. They had no choice but to send me back into the foster system.  Even 8 years later my family was not able to care for me and their situation had gotten worse. Grams was also very sick and could not take me in.

Stage 3: Ms. Cruz-age 8 to age 8 1/2

Ms. Cruz was the oldest woman ever. She was very short lived but still cruel. She eventually told my case worker that I was "to much to handel" and should be sent to a private school. Unfortunately my case worker took her side.

Stage 4: Thurmond institution- age 8 1/2 to 14. 

Thurmond was horrible. The only light in the darkness was Sam. Sam had been sent there by her parents immediately after I left. Her parents, (being very religious) did not like her morals. At Thurmond I was bullied, cruelly punished and assaulted a few times. IT WAS H*LL. Many people bullied me because I was shy and an easy target. I was such an easy target that Clancy Gray decided that I was going to be his puppet. HE was always acting super nice but then bam! Pain and agony ripped through my whole body. Then my parents called...

Stage 4: Home-age 14 to16

 My parents wanted me back so after packing up all my stuff, and a tearful goodbye to Sam, I left. Deep down I knew it was a bad idea but they had said that they'd changed. They had in a way, they both had jobs but they were both still drinking. They left scars physically and mentally and what they did could never be changed. The night I decide to call my case worker Rosa, was the worst night yet. My dad was threatening me to get in bed with him my mom was threatening to hit me with the metal rod I'd been hit with before, and then I bolted. I called Rosa to pick me up and she did. With my duffel bag in tow I lived in the foster center waiting to be accepted. Then a a week ago, a woman named Cate called and said she wanted me.  That's how I ended up in this sedan driving, towards Virginia beach. 

Stage 5: age 16 to hopefully forever....

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