Why is Chubs, SKINNY??

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Authors Note: wOw this is AmaZinG 220 reads!!! Thanks for putting up with my crappy writing!!! 

Love all of you guys!! XOXO-Purple

I looked down at my schedule. Joy! I had physics, AP history, then an Honors math class and finally lunch. After that I had AP English, Intermediate french, study hall and then art 3. This was going to be a fun day. 

Knowing absolutely zero about where anything was located at this school, I turned to Vida, "Umm do you know where the physics classroom is?" I ask hesitantly. 

"Yeah, it's in the science hall, if you exit out of where you came in and take a left, that's the building. The classroom is on the first floor on the left."For such a charmer, she was actually helpful. "Oh and you might want to move quickly because Mr. Grant does not like tardiness."She added.

"Right." I nod, after taking attendance, I quickly get up and start to move towards the door, as I hurry out of the classroom I bump into a very skinny, bald boy. "Watch it, I'm trying to get to physics!" The boy huffs.

"Oh sorry, I have physics too, can I follow you there,  I have no idea how to get there." Which was a lie, sorta. 

"Fine just don't talk to me." The boys grumps. Just as he says this, Liam the boy from the bus runs up to him.

"Hey chubs, I see you met Ruby Tuesday!" Liam says happily. Chubs grimaces.

"Who?" he asks clearly annoyed and confused. "Ruby."Liam answers, the one who is standing next to you." "Oh her" Chubs makes an unreadable face. "Yeah I guess." He mutters.

"Anyway we have to go to physics, and according to Vida, he hates it when your late." I say trying to loosen the tension. 

"Oh well, see you around Ruby." Liam yells as we walk towards the exit. 

"When we get to class, I sit down in the very back row. Nobody else appears to want to sit here and honestly I would prefer to be left alone. 

Mr. Grant a stern looking man comes into the classroom. "I heard we have a new student today, and as much as I'd love to listen to you introduce yourself," He looks as though this is the last thing he'd rather do. " I'm not going to have you do it." 

He looks around trying to find someone who wants to argue with him. No one does so he moves on to attendance. 

When he gets to my name, a few kids stare, but I just look down and pretend to not exist. I'm really good at that. 

After attendance he jumps into a VERY boring lesson on something I learned at my old school. I start to absentmindedly doodle in my notebook.

Okay once again thank you for reading and sorry about the late update. I'm going to start another book, about the harry potter fandom, so if you're into that check it out sometime....


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