Well... This is awkward

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Of course when I get on the bus I sit next to the cutest boy ever. Why me world why me??

As I silently curse the gods for this moment the boy says, "hi Green" Green? I look around trying to find this Green.. "umm I mean you" the boy says, Stupid stupid Ruby, "Oh I hi, I'm Ruby" I mutter. "Like Ruby Tuesday?" the boy asks. "yes I guess" I reply awkwardly. "Oh cool" The boy replies. 

"I'm Liam, I'm guessing you're new, anyway what grade are you in? I'm a junior which makes my mom cry every time I mention it. My brother is back there the one with football, I am terrible at sports..."I stop listening all I can look at is his scar. When he finally shuts up, he looks at me like I am supposed to give him something. "Umm I'm a Sophomore, I dislike sports too.." He says gently "Green I asked if you had any siblings" Oh right of course he dives right off the deep end and into the abyss that is family. "Oh well I don't have any siblings, but that boy over there" I point to Nico"Is my foster brother, umm yeah I guess that is the extent of my family." Liam nods like he doesn't believe me.

Finally the bus pulls into what looks like my new everyday hell. Joy! I stand up and file off the bus, like everyone else. I turn to Liam and ask "Do you by chance know where the office is?" He smiles, and I swear four dimples pop out of nowhere.  He grabs my hand, and pulls me to the office where a secretary who looks like she would rather eat slime than assist a lost student. 

After struggling to find my homeroom I sit in the only seat available and I'm honestly not surprised because she looked like she wanted to kill me. 

"Hey" I nod to the girl next to me. She gives me the finger and says, "Vida."

Ruby Tuesday and LeeWhere stories live. Discover now