he doesn't like him

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i woke up early. macavity was still fast asleep. i got out of bed quietly. "where are you going?," he said sleepily. "oh you're awake. well i'm getting ready to go see my grandfather remember." "right, i had forgotten." "macavity?" "yes." "could you try to be extra nice today around him please?" macavity laughed, "babe, everyone knows how i am already." i cuddled on him, "please hunny?" "fine i'll try." "good. i'll be back okay?" i left to go get electra. "good morning y/n. do you want me to get you ready now?" "yes please, i want to look extra special today." "sure." when she was done i looked in the mirror. "i look perfect! thank you," i said hugging her. "you're welcome." i walked back to my room slowly. munkustrap appeared, "good morning your highness," he said winking. "good morning," i giggled. he touched my ears, "you look breathtaking." i blushed and looked down. "thank you munkustrap." "macavity's so lucky to have you," he frowned. "aw munkustrap." "he stole you from me," munkustrap growled. "please calm down." he looked at me, "do you think we can meet somewhere tonight? i have something to tell you." "we could meet in the garden." he smiled, "i'll see you there sweetie." "bye baby." i walked to my room and was relieved to see alanzo putting on a bow tie on macavity. i was scared he might've been watching me. "you look so handsome hunny." he motioned for alanzo to leave. "you look so beautiful my babe," he said pulling me to him. he kissed me gently. i blushed, "are we leaving now?" "sure." we walked paw in paw to the theatre. as we were about to enter the theatre i stopped. "what's wrong y/n?" "what if my grandfather doesn't like you?" macavity smiled, "i'm sure everything will be alright." i walked inside and looked around. i saw my grandfather on stage teaching exotica how to sing. "grandfather!," i said running towards him. he looked around in surprise. "y/n! my grandbaby, come give me a hug." i jumped on him and hugged him. "i've missed you so much." "i have too my kitten. exotica your lesson is over." she waved at me and left. i remembered macavity and looked back. he was standing quietly on the bottom of the stage. i went to him and dragged him up with me. "grandfather, this is macavity, my mate." "i know," he did not look happy. "y/n, wait outside i have to speak privately with him." i looked worried at both of them. "it's fine babe just go," said macavity. i waited outside for several minutes until i heard them start fighting. i went back inside. "she doesn't want to be with you and you know it!" "yes she does!" my grandfather pulled me over and pulled up my collar, "you've been abusing her too. how can you do this to her if you love her?" macavity pulled me to him, "let's go y/n." my grandfather pulled me to him, "you're not going with him. i'm your guardian." i kept getting pulled. i meowed, "you're hurting me." they both let go of me. "macavity i don't care if you're king. y/n is my granddaughter and she's too young to be your mate." "well i already made her queen so she's my mate." i started crying, "i just wanted both of you to get along." macavity held me, "it's alright babe. let's go home." "y/n you're not going with him! come back here young queen!" "grandfather i love him!" i walked out with macavity, crying. "i'm sorry. i never thought this would happen." "i had a feeling this would happen, but it's fine. i just wanted you to be happy." i started crying even harder, "i love you." "i love you too. now stop crying, you're safe now." "but what if he doesn't let me see you anymore?" "aw y/n he can't do that." "i'm scared." "don't be. i won't let anything happen to you." i started to feel better and smiled. "you're so sweet macavity." "i am not!" i purred on him, "yes, you are." "not in public y/n, i don't want anyone to think i'm soft." i stopped and giggled, "okay." he looked at me and winked, "you should purr for me all night." i hit him with my tail and blushed, "stop!" i think i love him.

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