he still has feelings for me

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it was late by the time we walked to the theatre. "i'll miss you," i said. "i'll miss you more." "i think it'll be best if i say goodbye to you here. i don't want my grandfather and you to fight." macavity agreed. we kissed and i went to knock on the door. my grandfather was surprised to see me. "y/n! what are you doing here?" i hugged my grandfather and went inside. "i just wanted to visit." "let me take a look at you. you've grown so much." i smiled, "is it fine if i stay here with you for a while?" "of course my kitten. did you leave macavity?" "nope, i'm just a bit homesick." "i see. how's life at the castle? is he treating you well?" "oh it's fine, i love it and of course he's treating me well. he loves me grandfather." "i was afraid of that. kitten i just don't think he's right for you." i sighed, "grandfather please, i don't want to argue with you. anyways i'm going to have his kittens." my grandfather dropped his glasses he was polishing. they broke in to many small pieces. "you're kidding y/n." "i'm not!" he pulled me to him and listened to my stomach. "you're being serious i see. y/n you're still too young. you'll be a kitten having kittens. have you thought about what type of father macavity will be to your kittens? he's not exactly the friendly sort." "he'll love them. grandfather it's late, i'm going to my room. good night." he kissed my head and said good night. i walked to my room and closed the door. i felt safe to be at such a secure and familiar place. i looked around and remembered how obsessed i had been with rum tum tugger. we had such a sweet and innocent love until he ruined it with his jealousy. i laid down on my cat bed and fell asleep. i was woken up by my grandfather knocking on my bed. "good morning y/n, would you like to help me around today?" "yes grandfather," i said sleepily. "please help me with the music class. you're my most gifted violin player." i smiled, "of course." i had forgotten how i belonged to the most talented family in jellicle. my grandfather was the most famous theatre cat in the world. i was a very good violin player and outstanding ballet dancer. i was busy teaching some cats some strings when i heard a familiar voice. "hi y/n." i turned around and i came face to face with rum tum tugger. i was taken aback, "oh hi rum tum tugger. we haven't seen each other in a while." he smiled, "no, we haven't." "would you like to talk? i can definitely take a break right now." "of course. i've missed you immensely." i put my violin down and walked with him to the hall. "i see you've been doing pretty well. you're macavity's mate now right?" "how'd you know?" "your collar and well you're queen." "oh yeah," i giggled. "he's so cute, i love him so much." rum tum tugger laughed, "i can't imagine you guys as mates. you're complete opposites." i frowned, "well we're happy together." "i'm sorry, i didn't mean it that way." i smiled, "i know." "is munkustrap still at the castle?" "of course, why aren't you?" "well macavity and i don't get along very well and i'm not really the protector cat type." "oh." he walked up closer to me, "you're so beautiful now y/n. you were so cute before but now you're older and really pretty." i blushed, "thank you." "how long will you be here?" "i'm not sure yet, maybe a week. i have to go back home soon." "i'm surprised he let you out of his sight," he scoffed. i was about to walk away when i felt rum tum tugger grab my paw. "don't leave y/n. i'm sorry." i sighed, "fine. i won't." "do you want to go out with me? i mean not as a date just as friends." "sure, omg you're so silly." "i'll come for you in the evening." "okay, i'll be ready." my grandfather met me in the hall after he left. "what was that all about?" "oh nothing." "i hope you're not getting yourself into any trouble kitten." "don't worry grandfather." i ran upstairs to my room to get ready. i didn't want to look too nice for rum tum tugger. i brushed my fur and put on my diamond tiara and matching collar. i went back downstairs my grandfather looked at me. "you look very nice, where are you going?" "i'm just going with rum tum tugger somewhere." "your mate wouldn't like that." "it's not a date." he sighed and turned back to his book. "i have to go now," i waved and went out the door. i bumped into rum tum tugger. "i'm sorry," i said. "no complaints," he smirked. i blushed, "oh stop it." "you like that?" i looked down, "so where do you want us to go?" "i don't know, i just want to be with you." "let's just go to the waterfall." "okay." we walked to the waterfall and sat near the stream. he put his tail around mine. i took it off. "you can't do that." "why angel?," he said softening my fur. "well because i have a mate remember." "he doesn't have to know." i looked at rum tum tugger mad. "how could you say that? i'm going back home." he laughed, "i was just kidding. plus you're so cute when you're mad." i pouted. he sighed, "i wish dad hadn't told us to broke up. i still really want you." "aw that's really sweet of you to say, but i'm sure there's so many other queens that want you." "i know, but i don't want them." "you know i think i should be getting home. i don't want to worry my grandfather." "oh sure. i'll walk you home." "thanks." when we got to my house i said good bye. "sure. you look very adorable by the way." i smiled and went inside.

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