𝚉𝚘𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚎 𝚊𝚙𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚢𝚙𝚜𝚎 𝚙𝚝 1

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Plot: A Zombie apocalypse.
Concept: After losing half of their supplies
Person A finds themselves lost and without any defense. That is until they run into Person B.)
Side note: You are person B
Side note 2: you are currently in the woods by an abandoned bunker base due to all the homes in your neighborhood being destroyed. Plus its current summer

Intro: It is a zombie apocalypse. Its been going around for months. Not any progress of leaving,. when all of this had started y/n had been on a sailboat for three weeks with her family as a vacation. Unaware of the zombie apocalypse, that has been going on for the last ten days, until she and her family pull into shore and was attacked. Y/n had escaped the attack with a few scratches, but her parents on the other hand didn't. Ever since then y/n had to survive on her own. Y/n went back to the boat and retrieved some luggage. She made a list of 50 things that she needed the most from the bag. Discarding everything else. y/n quickly found an abandoned bunker taking the stuff needed with her in a bag. Y/n decided to craft a spear made out of stone and a stick, later she breaks into the local pharmacy for three necessary supplies. Along the way to picking them up you kill seven zombies and headed back to the base.
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Once you arrive back at the base you plop down on the bed you made. You take a sigh of relief, you somehow felt safe in this bunker knowing damn well that nothing can hurt you here. You slowly pull out your phone and turn on some music, specifically Alec Benjamin's music. Your eyes soon start to water thinking that Alec probably didn't survive the apocalypse that was currently going on. Nether the less his music comforted you during these rough times. You took a favorite to one singular song by Alec, and that song is called "mind is a prison". The reason behind why it's your favorite is because you relate to it the most, ever since the day of the apocalypse you got more and more trapped in your mind and sometimes felt horrible about yourself. But Alec's music always helped to know that you aren't alone. Your e/c eyes move over to the clock and stare at the time. A sigh escapes your lips as you slowly get up, earlier today you had picked up some food from your local abandoned grocery store. There had been a few things that weren't spoiled yet so you went ahead and took it.

Soon there was a stench of wood-burning around the outside of the base, the light of the fire was so bright someone could see it from miles away. The smell of f/s soup also slithered in the air. It felt like a blessing to eat after everything you had done today, you headed over to the luggage bag inside of the base and took out a wooden spoon and wooden bowl out. You walked back over to your fire and put it out, you waited impatiently as the pot cooled down, not wanting to burn yourself. The pot soon cooled off not being as hot as it was before, you take a portion on the hot soup and blow on the top. You soon drank the soup like there was no tomorrow only leaving half of it left for tomorrow morning for lunch, you washed your bowl.

After doing that you headed back outside, the pitch-black darkness was everywhere since the light in the base no longer worked but on the bright side, you could see the stars which happen to be looking very bright tonight.
You lay down in the grass and stare up at it, stargazing was something that you really enjoyed and with all of this apocalypse happening it's easier to see the stars and not having it blocked by the lights in peoples house, Anyways half of the population had died so there were no worries about light blocking the stars maybe It was a bit selfish to think about but you didn't give to cares in the world about that. The wind blew against your h/l h/c messing up your hair. You let out a small giggle at that after about m/h you heard back inside and try to get some sleep, tomorrow will be a big day for you, you'll be trying to find another lake or river close by the base to shower in since the one you found before was bombarded with more zombies. Your e/c eyes start to close as you drift off in a peaceful sleep

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