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A/n: little preference for when you get sick. COVID doesn't exist yet for legal reasons ha. You've just caught a fever nothing big. Writing this chapter made me feel very single and lonely, I got jealous of my own writing.  Oh, I also got my nails done, I just bought some nail glue from Walgreens and nails. Slapped them on and boom cause I don't want to spend money on actually getting them done 😎
"Achoo" You sneezed, snot running down your nose. You grabbed the tissue next to you and blew your nose.

As largely as you certainly despised to admit you had caught a cold, It wasn't that awful but it was still pretty bothersome. You wished it would just go away as fast it came, you could barely even say a sentence without coughing your lungs out. You felt dazed every time you got out of the bed.

It had started during the winter festival, you and Alec agreed to go together. It had been pretty cold outside maybe approximately 29 or 20 degrees. Although you were bundled up and sorts you still felt cold, later during the festivity it had begun to snow in your disgust, it was cold enough already the snow just had to top it all off.

Furthermore, a stupid youngster thought it would be foolish to throw snowballs at you while you were drinking hot chocolate. Alec had noticed it occurred so he went to his mom and told her about how her kid was misbehaving. At that time it seemed unfair to do so but now you were very pleased that he did. The snowballs had gotten you soaking wet but you refused to dry off and just appreciate time with him.

But now here you are wishing you dried off so you wouldn't have gotten as sick as you did.

' Its fine Alec is on his way'

You thought to yourself as you shut your eyes. Not long ago you had texted Alec to come over as rapidly as he could. You described to him that you had gotten a cold and couldn't do some things on your own plus your parents had been out of town so you required his help. He of course agreed and vowed to be there as quick as he could.

At that precise moment, you could hear the doorbell ring. You sigh as you stand up and walk on over to the door, clasping on to anything you can to make sure you wouldn't fall. The room span around but you managed to make it on over to the door. A concerned Alec was standing outside with a big fluffy jacket and what seemed to be a very large fabric bag.

The cold air hit you and somehow your legs gave up on you. Alec was sharp to catch you, he closed the door and picked you up bridal style and took you back to your room.

He positioned you on the bed and spread the blankets on you again. You smiled at him and before a word left your lips he blurted out

"This is all my fault! I'm so sorry, I should've persuaded you to dry off. Please forgive me Y/N!"

You laughed

" Idiot its, not your fault, I should've been smarter and dried off. Don't get so worked up about it. What's in the bag by the way" You ask him.

His eyes lit up as he took out his laptop from the bag and placed it on your bed. Then he took out some homemade hot soup from the bag plus another cute bunny blanket. He also pulled out Rose oil and rosewater spray, Cough drops, A new pair of cute socks, Lip balms, tissue, chocolate,  A edible fruit bouquet, Board Games, Two of his hoodies, and a little teddy bear.

Your eyes lit up at this.

"You got this all for me? But why Babe, I just have a little cold I'm not extremely sick."

Alec chuckled " Well love you still aren't feeling well so I didn't want you to feel that horrible. Let's watch a movie together! Here let me put on the socks for you. Your feet might be very cold."

Alec helped you put on the socks and then grabbed the bunny blanket. He fixed it on your lap.

" Want to wear my hoodie? You must be cold"

You nodded in aw as he grabbed his yellow hoodie ( A/N: Same one in the picture above) and helped you put it on over the long sleeve shirt you were currently wearing. He then grabbed the chocolates Edible flowers, the soup, and the cough drops. He placed it on your nightstand, he got up and walked to the kitchen to were he snatched a spoon. He places it by the soup once he was back in the room.

"Now before we watch anime or cuddle you have to have the soup. It'll  help you feel so much better."

You nodded " Fineee but then we cuddle okay?" You say in a pouting face.

Alec supported you up so you were sitting on your bed instead of laying down, then he opened the thermos bottle which the soup was in and placed the spoon in it. He scooped out a spoon full.

"Open wide"

You were a bit confused at what was happening at first but then realized he was feeding you.

"Alec I'm not a baby, I can drink it myself." You huffed and crossed your arms.

"Well, you're my baby. Now open wide"

You rolled your eyes playfully at him as you opened your mouth. The spoon went in your mouth as you gulped down the hot soup.

"Good job! There is more"


Soon you finished the soup and Alec went to wash the bottle and spoon.

You were still in awe. You found it hard to believe that you had Alec as your boyfriend but you were more appreciative.

He came back within 5 minutes later

" Alright baby, let's snuggle up and watch some anime. How about toilet bound Hanako? You like that one right?"

For the rest of that day, Alec kept you full company as the both of you binged anime and Netflix while eating the snacks Alec got you.


Alec Benjamin ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now