𝚉𝚘𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚎 𝙰𝚙𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚢𝚙𝚜𝚎 𝙿𝚝. 3

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You finally found something that looks similar to a lake, the only way that seemed to be a proper entrance was in a small opening by the bushes. It just so happens that you decided that it would be nice to just go through the bushes and hedges, Once you made your way through all of that you saw him.

'Another person? ' You thought to yourself, he was holding a spear in his right hand. You looked confused at first and then you realized that he was completely shirtless with a full 6 pack planted on him, a faint blush captured your cheeks. The boy placed his shirt back on and muttered "Uh sorry about that I- I didn't expect anyone else to come over here." you waved him off showing him it wasn't that big deal.

'That voice sounds somewhat familiar ' you thought, you inspected the guys face and another realization hit you. "Holy smokes are you  Alec Benjamin?!" you somewhat screamed. Alec got out of the water and walked up to you, you couldn't believe it he's still alive and well that made you so happy inside.

He was still soaking wet but got close enough to you to quietly say " you know me huh" Your eyes lit up completely forgetting everything that happened in the previous events "Of course I know you! I'm a huge fan, I still listen to your music till this day! You're a really big inspiration to me! " you say with complete administration in your eyes. Those words made the other male smile which made you smile even more. " I'm glad that you think that, thank you "

You decided that it was time to make fun of him a little so the words " You finally didn't respond with 3 hearts this time!" He looked a little confused at what you meant but quickly caught on again and playfully rolled his eyes and gave off a little chuckle which soon turned into a straight-up laugher "Yoooo that's so - hahaha yeah I guess so haha" you smile at him, you love seeing him laugh you find it as if an angel just blessed your soul, what made the feeling even better was that he laughed at your joke, a general laugh.

Soon the laughter died down and Alec calmed down, he told you that he should probably get going now since Zoe was still at the base and he didn't want to take any risks of her dying. You felt happy to know Alec and Zoe were still alive at that matter. You decided to give Alec a large hug before he went on his way, surprisingly enough to you he gave you a little hug back. He got his flasks if water made sure that they were filled up and went on his way, you gave him a little wave to which he waved back at you. Still dumbfounded that Alec was still alive and you managed to give him a hug but later came back into a general state and did exactly what you came there to do. You head back to the abandoned bunker you were staying still squealing that you finally got to meet the Alec Benjamin.

Later you set up a fire and started to boil the water and made some food, after eating you went to the bed you made and fell into a deep slumber.

A/n: sorry for this being so short the next one will be longer I promise

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