𝙰 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖

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This one's dedicated to benjaminhoes ily since you enjoyed the sleepy one so much I thought you would love this one. Besides that, I hope everyone reading enjoys it! This will be short.

The sun hit Alec's face like a bomb, it an early Thursday morning, and as excepted the morning garbage truck came to pick up the bins.

The noise wouldn't normally bother Alec much he would just sleep through it but today, it was louder than usual.

It's as if the noise was hollowing into his ears, he felt hot and cold at the same time, a headache started to occur and he had to admit it hurt like hell.

His ears felt as if someone was shoving metal through them, just breathing became heavy to the point where he was grasping onto the air.

Then suddenly a sweet little voice that cured his mind came from next to him.

"Alec sweetie, are you okay? Your breath is hitching and you keep squirming around."

Alec turns to face the voice, only to come face to face with you.

He jerked backward nearly falling off the bed

You smiled softly
"I'm sorry love, did I frighten you? I should've been more carful I hope you are okay."

Alec gazed at you not comprehending what to say. Your face precisely next to him, something looked quite different about you, it appeared you'd cut your hair and looked more exhausted.

Your smile still hadn't changed though it was the same ol bright smile you'd normally wear.

A little cry could be heard from her side of the bed.

"Sissy! Get your foot off my face! I'm trying to sleep!"
A males voice could be heard although instead of a deep voice it was a small little frantic one.

"I was just going to say good morning to daddy dummy"
Another voice could be heard but instead a small feminine one.

"Now now you two don't start arguing so early in the morning, your father doesn't seem to be feeling so well this morning. Besides he was working on music till really late last night."

A small head popped out from behind you, who resembled Alec's face spoke with a sparkle in his eyes

"SO COOL! I wannabe just like daddy when I grow up! "

Around that time it clicked into Alecs brain. He was a father.

The thought alone startled him, he fell off the bed with a hard Tump. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, was this even real? He'd always wanted to be a father let alone a father to two.

His thoughts were cut short by a small laugh.

"Alec honey, if you keep doing this you'll actually get hurt, here let me help you."

Alec saw as you reached a hand out towards him. He couldn't help but freeze when he saw your ring finger, a wedding ring.

He gasped as he looked down towards his right hand, he had one as well.
You looked slightly confused to why Alec reacted that way but still helped him up.

The moment Alec got on the bed the male and the female jumped on him giving him a tight hug.

Alec closed his eyes as he gave on one back to them.


Alec jerked up from his bed a sweating mess. It was around 7 AM on a Thursday, he looked down at his hands. He was trembling

"Alec baby? Are you okay, you've been squirming around while sleeping and now you're sweating like crazy"

Alec looked over at you, you haia very worried expression on your face.

"Was it a bad dream?"

Alec's face flushed as he declined

"Actually Y/n for the first time in a while, I actually enjoyed this dream."

You looked at him confusingly

"Want to tell me about it?"

Alec looked back down at his hands

"Maybe next time love. It's to early anyways. Let's go back to sleep."

The end

Alec Benjamin ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now