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A/n: Ideas drained, Binging anime like crazy and running out of ideas 😔✌🏻
Anyway here's another text story

Your eyes fluttered open as the sun hit your face, you let out a low sigh knowing that it was Monday

'Damn I got to get work '

You look over to the clock in your room.
It was around 5 am. You had woken up early then intended to, the alarm was intended to ring after another 2 hours. You closed your eyes again and tried to fall asleep, sleep on the other hand decided to be cruel and not let you fall back asleep.

A sigh leaves your lips once again as you try to get out of bed, the moment your body had moved a tight grip overcame around your hips.

"Go back to sleep darling, it's to early early for this" 
Alec had opened his eyes and stared at you, his voice raspy

"Sorry love, I woke up too early and can't fall back asleep"

Alec raised an eyebrow to you and let out a soft chuckle

"You sure are quite a handful"
He says with amusement sparkling in his eyes

You rolled your eyes playfully as Alec sat up on the bed rubbing his eyes slightly. The sudden loss of warmth made you shiver, Alec noticed that and smiled.
You couldn't help but gaze at his angelic smile, he was precious in every way

Alec gestured you to sit up You nodded and followed his order. Alec lightly pushed your head on his lap making your body stretch out again. This action took you by surprise and you couldn't help but blush.

"Flustered I see"
He snickered

"I am not!"
You say stubbornly

Alec would roll his eyes playfully mouthing the words 'sure' with his lips. He makes sure your head is comfortably on the pillow. He leans down and kisses the top of your temple and smiles. Alec then started to gently play with your hair with one hand will the other he would caress your cheek.

You couldn't help but blush a tremendous amount at this action.

Alec soon started to whisper how much he loved you in your ear, occasionally singing lullabies as well.

Your eyes soon start to feel heavy as you fall into a slumber.

Alec admired your resting face while still playing with your hair, he loved everything about you.

He kept that up until your alarm rang not wanting to ruin your sleep

The end

Alec Benjamin ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now